What Does Sterilization Of Cats Mean?

What Does Sterilization Of Cats Mean?
What Does Sterilization Of Cats Mean?

The name "sterilization" is the surgical procedure for removing the uterus and ovaries from an animal when it reaches a certain age. A sterilized cat will be deprived of the opportunity to bear offspring, which means that its owners will not have any problems with attaching the next litter. In addition, sterilization nowadays has a number of additional benefits.

What does sterilization of cats mean?
What does sterilization of cats mean?

Many veterinarians recommend that cat owners sterilize their pets. There are several reasons for this procedure. First, spayed cats live much longer. After the operation, their health will not be threatened by such diseases as mastopathy, inflammation of the genitals, endometritis and pyometra (accumulation of pus inside the uterus). Secondly, spayed cats will not wake up their masters at night with loud "concerts" and run away into the street in search of a knitting cat. Thirdly, almost all animals after such a procedure become more playful and affectionate.

When to neuter your cat

It is best to neuter cats before their first estrus at 7-8 months of age. By this time, the animal's body will be strong enough to undergo anesthesia and postoperative recovery.

Before taking your cat for surgery, make sure that it has no health problems. This can be done in a veterinary clinic using special tests and ultrasound examinations.

Sterilization types

There are several types of sterilization. The most reliable of these is ovariohysterectomy. This procedure removes the cat's ovaries and uterus at the same time. Another type of sterilization is called ovariectomy. It is the removal of only the gonads (ovaries). This method is simpler, but less effective, as the cat may develop uterine problems over time.

There is another way of sterilization, namely tubal ligation. After such an operation, the cat will still be in heat, but she will no longer be able to get pregnant. The only drawback of this method is possible complications in the future.

Caring for a cat after neutering

Prepare in advance the place where your cat will be after surgery. It can be a large box or a special lounger. Place a woolen blanket at the bottom of the box, and then cover it with a sheet or T-shirt. You can put a small pillow on top.

When you come home after surgery, put your pet in the box. Most likely, after anesthesia, the cat will shiver, so be sure to cover it with some kind of woolen cape.

In the evenings, do not forget to treat the seams with antiseptics (preferably brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide).

On the first day after surgery, give your cat milk or water with a disposable syringe. On the second day, she will be able to sip food from a saucer. During the week, the cat is recommended to be fed with wet food (2-3 teaspoons at one sitting).
