With the development of modern breeding, it is not always clear which animal is in front of you. Like a rabbit, but maybe not. After all, the breeds of decorative rabbits today are so diverse that an inexperienced lover does not always manage to distinguish baby rabbits from rare animals of other species. How, for example, can you understand how a bunny with small ears and gray fur differs from a chinchilla?

Step 1
Pay attention to the animal's tail. In rabbits, even if they are not dwarf, the tail is usually short. If you see a baby with a long tail, which is more than 2/3 of the length of its body - in front of you is a chinchilla. In adult animals, the tail length is from 7 to 15 cm; rabbits cannot boast of such tails. Also a characteristic feature of the genus is the shape of the auricle. Even in rabbits with short ears, you can see that they have an elongated shape. But the shape of the chinchilla's auricle is round. It is not worth trying to distinguish rabbits from chinchillas by the size of their ears, since chinchillas have large ears (in adults they reach 8-10 cm), exactly the same ears can be found in rabbits.

Step 2
Feel the animal and appreciate its fur. Rabbits and chinchillas differ in the structure and quality of their fur. The fact is that a chinchilla has a truly unique fur - 60-80 finest hairs grow from one hair follicle at once. That is why the fur coat of this animal is delicate and velvety to the touch. If you touch the rabbit's fur, it will be coarser, velvety and airy, like that of a chinchilla, you will not feel here. And one more important nuance - chinchillas do not shed, but this happens with rabbits. If you see that the animal is covered with uneven fur, from which shreds are knocked out, in front of you is a rabbit.

Step 3
Take a closer look at the body shape and habits of the animal. Chinchillas have a large, rounded head, and the shape of the body is slightly oval, with a clear rounding in the back. If you observe the movements of a chinchilla, an association with a squirrel necessarily arises. Rabbits can also have a large head, but their body is more elongated, and the back is not so rounded. Look at the movements of the little rabbit and you will understand that he jumps more than runs. Its movements are less graceful than that of a chinchilla. In addition, rabbits do not know how to climb vertical surfaces, but for a chinchilla this is not a big deal.