How To Tell A Female Rabbit From A Male

How To Tell A Female Rabbit From A Male
How To Tell A Female Rabbit From A Male

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When purchasing a small long-eared rabbit, many animal lovers do not even think about what gender their pet is. Yes, and sellers of pet stores should not be trusted very much in determining the sex of a fluffy baby, because it is not easy even for experts to distinguish male rabbits from female ones. It is quite easy to determine the sex only in adult sexually mature individuals.

The sex of young rabbits is not easy to determine
The sex of young rabbits is not easy to determine

It is necessary

assistant (in determining the sex of an adult)


Step 1

Pay attention to the appearance of the bunny. In the first days of life, male rabbits are slightly smaller than female ones. They have a wider head (this is just an approximate way of determining gender, which does not give an absolute guarantee). External morphological signs at this age in rabbits are so not expressed that only after waiting for the minimum age of 20 days for determining the sex of rabbits, it is possible to more accurately judge this.

how to determine the gender of a rabbit
how to determine the gender of a rabbit

Step 2

Take the rabbit in the left hand with its tummy up, placing its hind legs on the toes. With two fingers, ring and little fingers), hold the rabbit's head, and with the thumbs of both hands, pull down the skin between its hind legs in the place where the genitals are located. In male rabbits, the genital organ is seen as an opening located relatively far from the anus. In older male rabbits, the genital organ already looks like a tube with a rounded hole. In female rabbits, the genital opening in the form of an elongated slit is much closer to the anus than in males and has the form of an oblong loop (it is called a "loop") towards the tail.

In older rabbits, when determining the sex, it is worth additionally pushing the tail down.

how to determine gender in rabbits photo
how to determine gender in rabbits photo

Step 3

Pick up an adult and turn it over on its back, place it belly up (the procedure for determining the sex should be done together, since it is not easy for an adult to hold an adult).

Step 4

Press with two fingers on the rabbit's abdomen on both sides in the genital area. At the same time, the conical shape of the genital organ of the rabbit comes out of a kind of leather bag - the prepuce - and is exposed. In the female, the labia in the form of a loop become visible.

how to distinguish rabbits by gender
how to distinguish rabbits by gender

Step 5

Look at the location of the rabbit's sex organ: the sex organ of a sexually mature rabbit is located (like in rabbits) much closer to the anus than in adult rabbits.

how to distinguish dried smelt of a male from a female
how to distinguish dried smelt of a male from a female

Step 6

Consider the croup and head of rabbits. The external distinctive sex characteristic is also the wider croup and narrow head of the rabbit, in contrast to the narrow croup and wide head of the male rabbit.
