The quality of the fur coat depends on the wear of the fur. Experts from the Russian National Consumer Protection Fund have determined the wear of various furs. Fur with high wear will not turn bald, will not wear out, such fur is not afraid of any weather conditions, or private trips in public transport during rush hour. Often dishonest sellers of fur products pass off rabbit fur as beaver fur. The wear of the beaver fur is 80. The wear of the rabbit fur is much lower than that of the beaver.
In order not to be deceived when choosing your purchase, use the following tips.

Step 1
Pat the beaver fur garment in the direction of the fur. In the course of the pile, the fur is smooth, but in the opposite direction it pricks. Rabbit fur has a soft leather fabric, no coarse, large hair. You attribute ten seasons to a beaver fur coat, but a similar rabbit fur coat will last you only two, well, or a maximum of four seasons.
Step 2
Pay attention to the geometry of the fur. The beaver skin is a rectangle ranging in size from 30x50 to 40x65. It is sewn in large plates. Therefore, do not hesitate, turn the fur coat inside out, so you will not only determine the geometry of the skin, but also check the quality of the dressing. The flesh should not crunch or rustle when compressed. If the skin is yellow, then the fur is old, which indicates fragility.
Step 3
Pay attention to how the seams are sewn, they should be thin and neat. A glued fur coat, will not withstand the first snowfall, will fall apart. Do not disregard the label and the corporate drawing on the lining, ask for a certificate of conformity for the purchased product.