As soon as a dog enters adolescence, he begins to leave his marks everywhere. Including in the house. How to cope with this new-born owner and wean him to mark his alleged territory?

Step 1
Consider if an event might have contributed to a physiological problem in your dog. It so happens that a long absence of a beloved owner or a move causes stress in the dog and, as a result, unplanned urination.
Step 2
First take your dog to the veterinarian and get all tests done to make sure that the pet does not have any urogenital diseases that cause excessive urination, cystitis or enuresis. Even if the disease is detected, and its connection with the tags in the apartment has not been established, do not stop treatment until the dog recovers.
Step 3
Purchase a special tray (with a post), spray it with a special liquid that imitates the smell of a knot or a dog (or ask your familiar dog breeders for some urine from their pets). Your dog, smelling the smell of a stranger, will definitely mark a column. Repeat this procedure until your pet gets used to the post.
Step 4
Buy a special enclosure for your dog and train him to use it. Choose an aviary according to the size of your dog - such that she can freely position herself in it, lie down and stretch her paws. When leaving for work, put the dog in an aviary and lock it up. Not a single dog will mark the place on which it lies, and he will not have the opportunity to do it anywhere else. After a while, the dog will form a reflex, and the desire to mark corners and furniture in the apartment will disappear.
Step 5
Please note: the dog marks the corners in the house, first of all, because he considers himself a full owner in it. Take a training course with him and show that you are the master in the house. If you are used to eating at the same time as your dog, break this ritual. Eat yourself, and only then feed the dog. Place the bowl in front of it for no more than 5 minutes, and then remove it, even if it has not yet been emptied. If the dog refuses to obey the commands, you will strictly shout at it, and if this does not help, take the dog by the collar and press it to the floor. Hold this for a while until the dog calms down.
Step 6
Castrate your dog. However, many emasculated males do not leave their natural habit, so you still have to look for an additional way to stop this disgrace.