A thoroughbred animal, as a rule, has a high price, since both mating, and exhibitions, and obtaining all the necessary documents, and maintenance are very expensive. However, if you cannot afford an expensive puppy, there are ways to get one relatively cheap.

The main secrets of choosing inexpensive purebred dogs

If you want to get an animal very cheaply, try to find a suitable one at a shelter. It will most likely be an undocumented dog, but there is a chance that it will turn out to be the breed you need. In such cases, you can take an animal for almost nothing, but it will be better if you financially support the shelter from which you will take it at least a little.
Please note that shelters are careful about choosing potential owners for puppies, as some people turn out to be unscrupulous and mistreat their pets. Try to make a good impression.
Another option is to buy an animal without documents from the hands. It is likely that in this case we will be talking about a crossbreed, however, it is possible that you can find a person who is ready to offer a dog of the desired breed for a reasonable price. Sometimes people give their pets very cheaply for special reasons: for example, if one of the household members has an allergic reaction to a puppy, or if the family moves to another city and cannot take the animal with them. Regularly check the ads on thematic sites to find the right option.
How to buy a puppy cheap

If the breed of animal does not play a special role for you, give preference to the cheapest option. The price of dogs depends on many factors, including the popularity of the breed, the fashion for it, the cost of keeping the pet, the prevalence of puppies of a particular breed in your city. For example, if a breeder has to take his dog for mating to another city, since there are very few representatives of the breed, the cost of puppies will be high.
Remember, the best animals come with a high price tag. If you plan to participate in exhibitions or even more to create your own nursery, it is not recommended to save money.
And, finally, another way to get a pedigree puppy at a low price is to choose a pet-class pet or with a marriage. It will definitely need to be spayed or neutered, since such dogs are not suitable for breeding. As a rule, they have serious faults from the point of view of the breed, for example, inappropriate color or bad bite. If you do not want your dog to receive medals at shows or participate in breeding, this will not play a special role for you. But you will receive a thoroughbred animal with documents and you will be sure that there are no unpleasant deviations in its character.