The expression "I want a dog" should not be attributed only to small children. Young girls with their spontaneity, and mature bored ladies, and adult serious men can also want a dog - everyone is touched by a touching cute creature that grows into a faithful friend.

Step 1
Decide exactly on the breed of dog you want to purchase. This will greatly affect the further care of him, training, feeding. At the end of the day, make a fair assessment of your family budget to see if it can handle the upkeep of the royal mastiff. The dog must include meat in the diet.

Step 2
Think about where you want to buy a puppy: in the market or from hands, according to the ad. As a rule, animals on the market are checked by regulatory authorities and must have the necessary documents.

Step 3
Be sure to look at the documents for the puppy - a personal passport (now there are such documents, and they are obligatory), documents of parents, pedigree, participation in exhibitions, awards, etc. This is necessary if you want to buy a real purebred dog.

Step 4
Examine the puppy's hind legs. Real purebred dogs do not have a fifth toe on their hind legs, but incomprehensible mixtures or just mongrels do.

Step 5
If you want to purchase a puppy of a certain breed, you must first familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed - color, shape of the head, chest, paws, withers length and other parameters. In non-purebred representatives, these parameters, as a rule, are severely lame. Otherwise, how to buy a puppy without knowing what breed it belongs to?

Step 6
If the puppy is more than two months old, he must have a mark in the passport about the vaccination. Look at the mark, there should be a sticker from the drug and the veterinarian's transcript, from which the vaccine was made.
Step 7
If the puppy is very small, and the owner (seller) convinces that all the necessary vaccinations have already been made, or he is cheating, or there is a risk of serious illness of the puppy in the near future, since his immunity has not yet coped with the infection introduced in the vaccine.
Step 8
Focus on the average price. If they sell much cheaper, this is not a pure breed.
Step 9
When you arrive home, be sure to bathe your puppy by thoroughly washing it with a special dog shampoo.