Wire-haired fox terriers are perceived by many as a decorative breed, but in fact they are natural born hunters, so it will not be very convenient with them in apartments. Foxes are very mobile and very "loud" dogs, those people who live behind the wall, probably, will not be particularly happy with such a neighborhood. But if you are aware of the characteristics of the breed and are firm in your choice, when purchasing a puppy, pay attention to some of the nuances.

Parents' choice
Buying a Wire Fox Terrier puppy should start by choosing the parents. If in the future you intend to take him hunting, then you should choose parents who have good hunting qualities. For fox terriers, there are objective criteria by which these qualities are assessed, which include anger and toughness. For the dog's parents, these criteria should be at least 20-30 and 25 points, respectively. You should not be confused by such a criterion as "anger" - this working hunting quality does not extend to the attitude of the fox terrier to family members. Additional diplomas are also encouraged.

The height at the withers is also an important parameter. Since Foxes are burrowing dogs, their height should not exceed 40 cm, but if the father of the puppy was taller, there is a chance that by choosing a dog, you will also become the owner of the accelerator. Typically, you will have the opportunity to personally meet the puppy's mom. Pay attention to her behavior - the dog should be neither aggressive nor cowardly.
How to choose a puppy
If there is a choice of gender, please note that bitches are usually more tolerant and affectionate, so they are preferable for families with small children. Examine all puppies, they must be clean and well-fed, kept in good conditions. For inspection, it is better to choose the feeding time, after which the game time usually comes. Take a closer look at the behavior of the dog - the chosen puppy should be active, participate in games, fight for food, be curious and not afraid of people. Take the puppy in your arms, try to play with him, turn him over on his back, stir him up - he should try to fight back and even bite you.

By the age of 2 months, the exterior of the Fox puppies can already be evaluated. They should have already developed strong bones, powerful paws. Look into the dog's mouth - its bite should be scissor-like, by this time 6 incisors and 4 canines should have come out. In a male dog, check for both testes. Evaluate the tail - by the 2nd month it should already be docked. The rest of the tail should stand upright and be thick enough, because this "handle" is used to pull out the Foxes who are keen on hunting from their holes. Examine the dog's coat. It should be shiny and thick, with well-defined spots.

Having chosen a dog with good inclinations, remember that now it's up to you. Try not to spoil these good qualities with bad parenting, and you will need to deal with the puppy every day, as well as walk. The main problems with behavior will need to be corrected up to a year, with the right upbringing, by the age of 1, 5 you will get an excellent hunter and an intelligent, cheerful companion.