What To Do With A Dog That Has Bitten

What To Do With A Dog That Has Bitten
What To Do With A Dog That Has Bitten

Unfortunately, any person is not immune from the bite of his own or someone else's animal, and this can be done not only by a large, but also by a small dog. And after providing the victim with first aid, the question arises, what to do with a dog that has bitten a person?

What to do with a dog that has bitten
What to do with a dog that has bitten

First, everything must be done to help the victim, even if the wound does not seem serious. Then the dog must be taken to the veterinarian, where it is examined. The doctor will be able to conclude whether the dog has diseases that could be transmitted to humans through a bite. A test for rabies will certainly be carried out, and not only in the form of analyzes, but also on the basis of studying the characteristics of the animal's behavior. Thus, if a contagious disease is detected in a dog, it will be possible to begin in time the prevention and treatment of the person who has become its victim. This will simplify the task for doctors, since a number of diseases transmitted from dogs cannot be detected immediately in an infected person.

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If the version with the disease is not confirmed, analyze the situation in which the dog showed aggression. Even the calmest and kindest animal can react aggressively to an attempt to take away food from her, to attack puppies or to physical violence. If the dog tried to bite a person who really tried to harm or provoke it, then the only thing you can do in this situation is to take the dog for a walk in the muzzle and, if possible, protect it from communication with aggressive people who can tease and provoke it. If the victim is a member of your family who misbehaved with the animal, explain to him how to communicate with the dog so that this does not happen again.

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In case the dog's attack does not have a satisfactory explanation, consult a specialist. This could be, for example, a training specialist from a kennel club. It is possible that the dog's aggression is related to improper training or character problems. In this case, your pet can be helped by a training course, which, in the presence of a good specialist, will be effective for an adult animal as well.

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If your puppy has a tendency to bite, you can try to deal with it yourself. Give the puppy a toy the moment he starts to bite the owner. Stop playing with him and strictly say "No". But with punishments with a rag, a newspaper, you need to be careful - this can make the animal fearful and develop negative reflexes to certain objects.

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Nevertheless, there are breeds of dogs, for example, fighting dogs, in which aggressiveness is genetically inherent. Such an animal can be dangerous and difficult to train. In this case, consider whether you can handle such an animal. If you are confident in yourself, keep in mind that you have a great responsibility to protect those around you from such a dog. Only an adult with sufficient physical strength should walk it; on the street, the dog should always be muzzled and on a leash.

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These guidelines are effective if the dog belongs to you. In the event that you have become a victim of someone else's pet, and the owner does not want to take measures to prevent similar situations in the future, you have the right to sue. If you win, the negligent owner can lose the pet and pay a significant fine.
