If Your Dog Has A Cold

If Your Dog Has A Cold
If Your Dog Has A Cold

Dogs usually do not get human colds such as SARS or the flu. The disease manifests itself in animals in the form of rhinitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, etc. If your dog has a cough or other signs of a cold, you need to urgently show it to your veterinarian.

treating colds in dogs
treating colds in dogs

Causes of a dog's cold

Like humans, a dog's cold can be caused by hypothermia and decreased immunity. Other reasons include a sedentary lifestyle, inhalation of irritants, parasites, viral, fungal and bacterial infections, and poor diet.

Common cold symptoms in dogs

The first signs by which you can determine that the dog is sick: refusal to eat, fever, enlarged lymph nodes. The animal begins to cough, during physical exertion, it develops severe shortness of breath, accompanied by increased coughing. The dog becomes nervous or lethargic and drinks a lot of fluids.

Diagnostics of the common cold

In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian. In no case should you self-medicate, diagnosis is very important, because a dog's cough can be caused not only by a cold, but also by some cancers.

In the clinic, the veterinarian measures the temperature of the animal, feels the lymph nodes, listens to the lungs, trachea and heart. The next step in establishing a diagnosis will be laboratory diagnostics. The dog's blood will be subjected to general and biochemical analysis, smears will be taken.

How to treat colds in dogs

If your dog has a cold, your veterinarian will usually prescribe antibiotics, immunostimulants, expectorants, and vitamins. If the case is severe, the dog is given a dropper and left for a while under observation in a veterinary clinic.

Preventing colds in dogs

To protect your pet from illness, avoid hypothermia. If your dog lives outdoors, set up his aviary or kennel correctly. There should be no cracks and drafts in the dog's home, the walls should be insulated. Place a soft, thick lounger on the floor. Do not give your dog water treatments on a cloudy or cool day. One of the reasons for the decrease in immunity and, as a result, diseases can be unhealthy diet. Monitor your pet's diet.

The dog must have a good, balanced diet. The stores sell ready-made feeds for many breeds, they contain all the substances necessary for the animal's body. In winter, you need to give the dog large portions of food, because part of its energy is spent on protection from the cold. Do not forget to carry out prophylaxis against parasites in time. From the moment your animal appears, give it all the necessary vaccinations.
