How To Train Puppies To Go To The Toilet

How To Train Puppies To Go To The Toilet
How To Train Puppies To Go To The Toilet

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Toilet training is designed to keep the owner's property and nerves in good shape. Even if where you got him from, he regularly did his business in the tray, in a new place you will have to start all over again.

How to train puppies to go to the toilet
How to train puppies to go to the toilet


Step 1

Start training right away: The same day the puppy arrives at the new home, start litter training. Prepare the area in advance - remove all carpets, rugs, mats.

Step 2

Determine the places for the toilet. The puppy prefers to relieve himself in dark corners, near the front door, under the window, near the balcony, etc. Spread small rags or newspapers dipped in his urine in these places. Identify a few "toilet" places - to teach puppies to go to the toilet should be gradually, without insisting on one litter box. As the baby grows up, the number of toilet places can be reduced, focusing on the size of the house and the time the puppy is left alone.

Step 3

Praise your puppy every time he goes into the litter box, wait for the puppy to finish his business before you can compliment him with your approval. If the baby "missed" and a puddle has formed next to the tray, show your displeasure and place it in the tray for a minute. Do not forcefully hold the puppy in the litter box; you may scare him away.

Step 4

Scold your puppy when he makes puddles in the wrong places. Scold your pet only when he does an unwanted action, but not after a while - the puppy simply will not understand why you are angry.

Step 5

Treat non-litter areas - You can only train your puppies to go to the litter box by fighting off the smell of dog urine in areas where they are used to, or are just starting to do so. Use special deterrents. Place bowls of food and water in places of unwanted actions - the dog will never defecate where it eats.

Step 6

Change litter in the litter box in time. Dogs will not do their thing with wet newspapers or dirty litter - they will do it next to the litter box, on the floor. Monitor the condition of the tray and change the contents in time.
