How To Care For A Decorative Rabbit

How To Care For A Decorative Rabbit
How To Care For A Decorative Rabbit

Decorative rabbits are adorable animals. It's nice to take a fluffy creature in your arms, stroke it. They can be kept at home if you know what to feed, how to drink and how to care for them.

Decorative rabbit
Decorative rabbit

What is needed for proper care

Together with the decorative rabbit, you need to buy a "dowry" for him. It consists of:

- cells;

- a house;

- toilet;

- feeders;

- drinkers.

The cage should be spacious so that the animal can move freely there. A removable tray is required, then the cage will be convenient to wash.

They put a house in it, in which the rabbit will sleep at night and sometimes rest during the day. If the cage is large, place a kitten litter box on the other side. Pour granular wood filler into it and at the bottom of the cage itself.

For sale special - for rodents and rabbits. You can also buy a feline, but a small fraction. Thanks to the filler, there will be no smell from feces in the apartment. He will save time, efforts of the owners. It will be enough to clean the cage every 3-5 days.


It is important to periodically buy hay for the animal, which is not only bedding, but also part of its feed. The rabbit menu also includes grain. Special balanced feed is sold in pet stores. In addition to grains, it includes pieces of dried fruits, vegetables, herbs, minerals and other useful ingredients.

The animal's diet should contain fresh vegetables: carrots, apples, and dried fruits. Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible for rabbits to have a lot of cabbage, since an excess of it has a bad effect on the digestion of the animal.

The same applies to raw potatoes and beets. They need to be given in very small amounts and infrequently.

The rabbit should always have water. He drinks from a special drinker, which is suspended from the upper side of the cage. The water needs to be changed frequently, especially in summer. It is necessary to rinse the drinker with a bottle brush.

The animal should always have water. Even if he eats enough juicy vegetables and fruits. The decorative rabbit consumes grain, hay, and therefore drinks periodically.


In summer, it is easier to take care of animals in the country. You can build a decorative rabbit for a walk, and it will graze on a warm day on the grass. Do not forget that these are burrowing animals, so they can undermine the corral from below and run out of it. It is better to make a fence at the bottom from the sides from a netting mesh with large cells and sometimes transfer it to a new place where there is fresh grass.

In the city, you can also sometimes walk with your pet, putting on a leash with a harness. It is important not to forget that he does not need to be in the open sun, as this can lead to a warm stroke. Penumbra is enough.

In the cold season, he can run around the kitchen, corridor, room, since the rabbit needs movement.
