Hamsters are one of the cleanest pets. However, the strong urine smell of these cute creatures is a big problem. But you can train your hamster to use the toilet.

Step 1
First you need to observe the behavior of the hamster. He, feeling himself the owner of the cell, will determine for himself a place where he will constantly urinate.
Step 2
Next, you need to choose one of the options for special toilets, which can be found in a wide range in pet stores. Any dish with low sides can be used as a toilet. You can also make your own hamster toilet. When assembling the toilet yourself, you need to choose a material that the pet cannot gnaw through, and that will not absorb unpleasant odors.

Step 3
Before installing a hamster litter box, the cage should be thoroughly flushed. The new toilet should be loaded with the required amount of special litter by adding a few pieces of litter soaked in your pet's urine. This is done so that the hamster is not afraid of the new structure with strange granules and immediately understands its intended purpose. If the hamster begins to gnaw the filler pellets, it must be replaced with another species that will not suit the hamster's taste. Wood sawdust can also be used as a filler, but they will have to be changed more often.

Step 4
Once your hamster toilet has been properly installed, you should pay attention to whether he has started using it. If the pet has chosen a different place for urination, the toilet should be rearranged, and, if necessary, one or more toilets should be added to the cage. If, before installing the toilet, the hamster did its natural needs in the house, then when installing the toilet, the house for the hamster should be temporarily removed from the cage.