Summer temperatures often exceed 30 ° C. Animals from such record values suffer no less, and in some cases even more than people. A dog may well become a victim of heatstroke, and the owner's duty is to help his pet cope with this truly deadly danger.

Step 1
If in humans the sweat glands are distributed more or less evenly over the entire surface of the skin, then in dogs they can only be found on the pads of the paws. Cooling the dog is done by breathing faster, in some cases up to 400 breaths per minute. The dog can begin to lick itself so that the vapor will lower the body temperature slightly. Animals that are not afraid of water have a particular advantage; bathing for them from just a pleasant procedure turns into a really useful event.
Step 2
It is very important that the dog has free access to fresh and cool water in hot weather. Pour it into a wide basin, then the animal can not only get drunk, but also cool its paws by wetting them. Alternatively, you can also wipe the entire body with a damp cloth. Make sure your dog has the opportunity to retire in a cool, shady area.
Step 3
If you have to take your dog in the car with you in the heat, never leave it alone, no matter how insignificant the parking time may seem to you. Even with the windows open, the temperature inside a car left in the sun rises to 60 degrees or more within a few minutes. If the windows are closed, it can reach 80 ° C, in such a heat the dog can easily die.
Step 4
Some owners cut their dogs for the summer and thus make a big mistake. Fur protects animals not only from low, but also from high temperatures, as well as from sunburn, the victim of which can easily be a shorn dog. Therefore, you should not take such rash steps. It will be enough just to comb out the undercoat left over from winter to make the fur light and airy.
Step 5
To understand the effects of heat on dogs, you need to know that the normal body temperature of these animals is 39 ° C. When it rises to 43 ° C, blood proteins begin to undergo irreversible changes, in other words, to fold. This is fraught with damage to internal organs and, as a result, their failure. The dog may lose consciousness, and then die altogether. Therefore, you, as the owner, are simply obliged to take all measures to cool the body of the four-footed friend, if you want him to remain cheerful and healthy for many years in the future.