Among all man's friends, the dog takes the honorable first place. A more loyal and reliable friend is hard to find. And mankind got acquainted with these animals a very long time ago.

According to the evidence found by archaeologists during excavations of monuments of Ancient Egypt, one breed of dog can be considered the most ancient - the Pharaoh's dog. The images of the animal date back to the fourth millennium BC, when the pharaohs of the first dynasty ruled.

The appearance of the dog has practically been preserved to this day. It is a long-legged greyhound, lean, well-muscled, with large, erect ears. In the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, you can see images of this breed with all its inherent attributes.

It is worth making a reservation that we are talking specifically about the very first "breed" of dogs. Since it is known that man first domesticated such animals already 20 thousand years ago, however, the issues of the first breed were not yet discussed at that time, and therefore the Pharaoh's dog can be officially considered as such.

Ancient centenarians

The unusual exterior of the dog is not all that can be told about the breed. Her character is calm and at the same time friendly, cheerful. An intelligent animal has an excellent sense of smell and hearing. They are unpretentious in everyday life and can even be kept in an ordinary city apartment. They behave calmly in the house, do not vandalize, do not spoil furniture, do not rush in circles, knocking down furniture and owners.

However, normal development requires long dynamic walks, off-leash jogging, and, if possible, large areas. Pharaohs get along well with other dogs, do not show aggression in vain, do not try to gain an advantage or leadership. Rare clashes are possible, but dogs usually get by without using their teeth.
In dealing with children, the Pharaoh dogs are extremely patient and caring. They can safely be entrusted with looking after little kids. They are also good companions and friends for teenagers.
Interesting features
In addition to the appearance and character, the dog has an interesting feature - they smile in a peculiar way in moments of joy. They stretch their lips, wrinkle their nose, which is very similar to human facial expressions. They can literally blush from shame, which is reflected on the tip of the ears, nose and eyes. And the Pharaoh's run is an unforgettable show of flexibility and plasticity.
In addition, they live a long time - about 20 years. And even at the age of 14 they can demonstrate excellent athletic form. In Russia, this breed is not very widespread, but its popularity is growing and there are more and more breeders.
The breed is currently under the official tutelage of the British Kennel Club. It was officially registered in 1977.