The Fastest Dog In The World

The Fastest Dog In The World
The Fastest Dog In The World

Representatives of the Greyhound breed are recognized as the fastest dogs on the planet. They run at speeds up to 60 km / h. The speed record was recorded on March 5, 1994 in Australia, then a greyhound named Star Title accelerated the speed to 67, 32 km / h. This record is still the fastest for dogs.

The fastest dog in the world
The fastest dog in the world

Characteristics of the breed

The Greyhound dog has a large and graceful build with noble lines. She has a smooth coat, high legs, a deep and muscular ribcage, a narrow head and a long neck. The eyes are dark in color and the ears are small and thin. The back of the dog is quite wide and long, with a muscular croup and a powerful loin. The tail is set low and down all the time. Greyhound can be white, black, red, blue and brindle.

The representative of the "fast" breed has a lazy disposition, excellent health and a stable psyche. She gets along well with children and is a good companion for her master. Likes long walks and jogging a lot. However, the dog is not suitable for guarding the house. The Greyhound is widely used in sports as excellent runners. For the same reason it is used in hunting. Life expectancy is approximately 12-15 years.

Greyhound history

Some sources write that Greyhound dogs came from sluga - Arab greyhounds, which were brought to Europe at the end of the 10th century. According to another version, representatives of runners existed in ancient Egypt. Their images were found on the tombs of the pharaohs. From Egypt, dogs were brought to neighboring Greece, and from there they came to Great Britain. Dog handlers also suggest that the breed originated from Celtic dogs.

In the Middle Ages, Greyhounds had a powerful physique and were used to hunt bears and wolves. Then they began to breed smaller and lighter dogs, which were used to hunt foxes, hares and deer. One of the strengths of the Greyhound is covering a short distance in a short interval of time, but the dog cannot run fast for a longer time.

An important role in the fame and formation of the breed was played by the English Lord Orford. To improve the temperament and physical characteristics of the dog, he crossed it with bulldogs. In 1776, Orford organized the first English Greyhound Hunting Club. He also conducted field trials for dogs. Currently, there are 3 lines of greyhounds: running, show and hunting. For the purity of breed characteristics, these lines of dogs are not crossed with each other.

The peculiarity of the representatives of this breed is that they are active for several minutes, and the rest of the time they are calm and balanced. Dogs easily adapt to humans and to each other. They always lived with their owners and belonged to the few breeds that were allowed in bedrooms and living rooms. Therefore, Greyhounds can easily live even in cramped apartments.
