Friendly and sociable dogs of decorative breeds are very popular, especially among residents of large cities, since small dogs do not take up much space, do not need long daily walks. In addition, among small breed dogs, most of all centenarians. Most of the representatives of decorative breeds do not differ in impressive size, but there are real crumbs among them.

Step 1
Bichon Frizes, similar to a fluffy cloud, were bred in France, therefore they are also sometimes called French lapdogs. Playful and outgoing, they make great companions for both children and seniors. The main difficulty in keeping Bichon Frizes is the need for careful hair care - it takes a lot of effort to keep the white curly wool silky and thick. The growth of the Bichon Frize does not exceed 30 centimeters, and such dogs weigh only 5-7 kilograms.
Step 2
The relatives of the Bichon Friesians are the Maltese lapdogs (Maltese), even less. They do not grow taller than 23 centimeters, and the weight of the largest representatives of the breed does not exceed 4 kilograms. Like all lapdogs, malteses require increased attention to their appearance - their long shiny coat will remain so only with constant care.
Step 3
Brussels griffins are a little less troublesome for their owners. These funny babies with bulging eyes and a characteristic expression have a tough coat that does not need to be brushed daily. It is enough to regularly trim, plucking out dead hairs with special scissors. The growth of Brussels griffins ranges from 18 to 25 centimeters, they weigh no more than 4 kilograms.
Step 4
Pekingese are known for antiquity of origin. Big-eyed dogs with silky fur lived in the palaces of Chinese emperors. Despite their small size, the Pekingese have a complex character, which is why the Chinese considered them to be the descendants of lions. Representatives of this breed are stubborn, independent and demand respect for themselves. These small dogs are 15-23 centimeters tall and weigh between 3 and 5 kilograms.
Step 5
Another miniature dog is Pomeranian. These funny animals are famous not only for their beautiful fluffy hair, but also for their amazing quick wits. Spitz are easy to train, cheerful and retain a lively and light character until old age. The growth of the smallest representatives of the breed is only 18 centimeters, larger individuals can grow up to 22 centimeters. Pomeranian Spitz weigh from 1.5 to 3.5 kilograms.
Step 6
The real winners in the fight for the title of the smallest dog in the world are the Chihuahua. Most of the officially registered records of short stature belong to them. Chihuahuas weigh no more than 3 kilograms, there are also crumbs weighing half a kilogram. The average height of these babies is 17-20 centimeters. The breed standard does not regulate growth, but allows a range of 15 to 23 centimeters.