How To Treat Chinchillas

How To Treat Chinchillas
How To Treat Chinchillas

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A pet always requires love, care, attention and careful grooming. Taking responsibility for the life of a little adorable chinchilla, monitor its health, visit a veterinarian and strictly follow his recommendations.

How to treat chinchillas
How to treat chinchillas

It is necessary

  • - Black tea;
  • - white bread croutons;
  • - carrot juice;
  • - prunes;
  • - fruits and vegetables.


Step 1

To keep your pet always cheerful and active, engage in disease prevention. Often health problems in chinchillas arise due to improper nutrition, this deteriorates immunity, disrupts metabolism. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and teeth are common. Ask your breeder or your veterinarian to find out about the ideal diet for your pet.


Step 2

Often diseases in chinchillas arise from inbreeding (related incest). A good breeder shouldn't let this happen. Outwardly, inbreeding may not appear in any way, but because of it, some internal organs may be underdeveloped in a chinchilla. Therefore, before buying a pet, consult with experts and ask for help in choosing a pet.

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Step 3

Chinchillas are very emotional and intelligent animals, so they are prone to stress, which sometimes leads to cardiovascular disease. Try not to push your pet to this. Please note that chinchillas have good immunity, so no vaccinations are needed. For prevention, it is enough to vaccinate every two years.

how to breed chinchillas at home
how to breed chinchillas at home

Step 4

Watch for symptoms of diseases, pay attention to discharge. The feces of these animals should resemble long rice. Other characteristics may indicate loose stools, which can be caused by stress, sudden dietary changes, or eating houseplants. Brew black tea, one teaspoon in half a glass of hot water. Cool and water the chinchilla. Three or four pipettes should be enough, the result will be noticeable in a day. Give your pet more white bread croutons.

about chinchillas: how to care
about chinchillas: how to care

Step 5

If the chinchilla is inactive, sits in the corner of the cage, hunched over and ears flat, eating nothing, the cause may be constipation. Give your pet two to three teaspoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice or prunes. The chinchilla may refuse to eat this dried fruit. In this case, boil the prunes with boiling water, cool and give the chinchilla two or three teaspoons of this infusion to drink.

wash chinchilla
wash chinchilla

Step 6

Take a closer look at the behavior of the animal. The chinchilla may start to move strangely, the reason for this is stress. You could accidentally scare your pet or did not give him a break from games. The animal could also hit painfully, and unusual behavior is a consequence of traumatic shock. Take your pet calmly in your arms and place it in the cage. Leave the room so the chinchilla can rest in peace.

Step 7

If the animal itches frequently, this may be the initial symptom of a skin disease. The next stage is skin redness and baldness. Give your pet more fruits and vegetables, vitamins strengthen the immune system and the body itself will cope with the disease. To speed up this process, take your pet to the veterinarian, he will make a special vaccine.
