Often dogs behave ugly on the street, do not listen to the owner, break off the leash and run away. If she came to you as an adult, it will be more difficult to bring up. To train an adult dog, it is necessary to consistently and consistently repeat a certain sequence of actions, without getting lost and not allowing indulgences.

It is necessary
- - pieces of delicacies;
- - iron will.
Step 1
First, train your dog using the guidance method, that is, for a treat. Exercise on an empty stomach to keep your dog motivated to work. If a well-fed dog does not listen to you and does not want treats, switch to feeding the dog at the time of training, for example, cut the meat into pieces, and give porridge after the lesson is held. It's even easier for a dry dog - just give a bite of food each time you complete the command.

Step 2
Teach the dog to command "Beside". Put the treat in a bag on your belt, keep the dog on a leash. Walk holding the piece next to your left leg, at the level of the dog's muzzle. When you reach the turn, say the command "Nearby" and after the turn give a piece. When this stage is completed, repeat the same, only get the treat just before the turn. Start learning at home, go outside only after consolidating basic skills, continue outside in a quiet place, start all over again. Only after the dog begins to do everything without hesitation, go out into a crowded street, where there are distractions.

Step 3
Teach the command "Come to me". Start working from home. Take a treat, show it to the dog and command: "Come to me." When she comes up, hand over the treat. The distance is not important, you can just take a step back so that she follows you. The more you practice at home, the better. When outside, continue your training on a long leash, and start working in a quiet place without people or dogs. If the dog does not want to run up on command, pull it up with small jerks using a leash. Be sure to constantly work out the command at home, rewarding the dog every time. If you follow the command without question, try working off the leash on the street.

Step 4
Teach your dog to Sit. Take a treat, show it to the dog, bring it to the nose, and place the dog with the other hand. As soon as she sat down - give me a piece. At the same time, pronounce the command 1 time - when the dog sits down. To work out the endurance, so that it doesn’t get off the ground, say “Sit” and give a tidbit. One team - one piece. Then give the command "Walk" and release the dog.

Step 5
After any command has been executed, start alternating between treat and praise (Good! Well done!). In no case do not give along with the praise a treat - or one or the other. Remember, the command can only be given once. If after that the dog does not follow the command - the punishment must follow.