An obedient and well-mannered dog is a great joy for the owner, behind which is hard work. One of the most important rules that a dog living in an apartment must learn is that it is necessary to do its "business" exclusively on the street. It happens that small puppies can not stand the next walk, but what to do when an adult dog leaves puddles around the house?

Step 1
Different dogs require different amounts of walks. One dog feels great going outside twice a day, while the other can be walked five times and he will still urinate at home. However, it is possible that your dog is not happy with the number of walks. Try to walk with your pet not twice a day, but three times, try to run home during your lunch break and take the animal out for at least five minutes. Take the dog out for a short while as soon as you get home from work, and then again in the evening.
Step 2
When urinating at home, your dog can get your attention in this way. Perhaps she thinks that you do not spend enough time at home and do not communicate much with her, or she does not like that in the evenings you close in the bedroom, and she is forced to sit in the corridor. Pay more attention to the animal, play and talk to him.
Step 3
If the dog refuses to go to the toilet on the street, but on arrival home makes huge puddles, just walk with him longer. Get away from home and walk until his bladder can handle and the dog has to urinate outside. After that, don't forget to give your dog a treat and compliment him. It will be useful to walk in the company of other dogs. Dogs are gregarious animals. Seeing that other dogs in your company are marking trees, your pet will not be able to stay away.
Step 4
Educate your dog. If you have never taught the animal to obey you, then it does not intend to obey you now and will continue to shit wherever it pleases. Sign up for a general training course - this is usually enough.
Step 5
Many owners whose dogs urinated at home were helped by the castration of their pets.
Step 6
If, despite your best efforts, your dog continues to use the toilet at home, take it to your veterinarian. Thus, a number of diseases can manifest themselves. If everything is in order with the physical condition of the dog, contact a competent zoopsychologist who will try to figure out what makes your dog urinate at home.