What To Do If A Dog Howls

What To Do If A Dog Howls
What To Do If A Dog Howls

Some dogs are very "painful" when left alone. As a rule, they begin to howl loudly and shrilly. This causes a lot of inconvenience. Especially if the dog lives in an apartment.

What to do if a dog howls
What to do if a dog howls

It is much easier to knock a dog to howl, or rather, to teach it to calmly endure the absence of its owners, is much easier when the animal is still small. It is then that the foundations of upbringing are formed. First, when leaving, you do not need to arrange farewell scenes with the puppy. You just need to calmly dress and go out. Secondly, in no case should you return if a howl started outside the door. Otherwise, the dog will understand that this is how it can return you and will take note of it. Thirdly, when you come, do not rush to greet your pet from the doorway and do not let him jump on you. You can just calmly let the puppy sniff your hand to calm him down. If raising the dog has been neglected, it is necessary to resort to special training methods. They all take time and patience. Do not try to speed up the process of re-educating your pet. Everything should take place gradually in a strict but friendly atmosphere. Walk out the door and wait for the dog to pause in howling, for at least a second. At this point, go in and praise her, give her a treat. Repeat this several times. The problem cannot be solved in one day, so you will have to repeat it for several days in a row to consolidate the result. If the method with rewards does not work, you can try another method. For example, the "spray method". Take the spray bottle with water and go out the door. Wait for the dog to pause while howling. At this point, go back and splash it in the face. Then go back. The effect for the dog will be unexpected and unpleasant. Repeat these steps several times. Gradually, the dog will realize that it is only getting a negative result by howling, so it will take a lot of patience and free time to train the dog. However, if this causes difficulties, and it is necessary to teach your pet to remain calmly alone, you can resort to the help of a specialist. An experienced dog handler will tell you the right actions and help in raising the dog.
