A man either loves dogs or not. There can be many reasons for this dislike. One of them is smell. Even zealous admirers of this type of animals cannot but agree with the fact that dogs smell rather unpleasant, especially when wet. And this happens for a fairly simple reason.

Hugging a wet dog is a pleasure. And it's not even the raw wool, but the smell that comes from it. It would seem a strange circumstance. The dog itself almost does not smell, the water also has no smell, but meeting each other, they produce this unforgettable amber, popularly called "dog". The reason for this odor is pretty obvious.
The dog's coat is covered with a special oily secretion produced by the animal's skin glands. The purpose of this secret is to create a protective film designed to protect the coat from bacteria, environmental influences, including getting wet. This lubricant covers the entire coat of the dog, so some people note that after fiddling with animals, a certain oily substance remains on their hands.
Secret lubricant
When the coat is moistened, the body strengthens the glands responsible for the formation of this protective film to prevent the dog from getting completely wet. And it is this secret that has the very characteristic psi smell. If a dry dog only slightly, as they say, “puffs”, a wet coat with its aroma can knock down a person who is not used to this smell.
So, the fact that the dog stinks of a dog is not the fault of the animal itself, nor its owner, much less the lack of hygiene. This is just one of the characteristics inherent in this group of animals. By the way, man is also not sinless in this regard. And he has special glands on his body that produce a greasy secret for lubricating the skin, which also has a rather specific aroma. Another thing is that people have long sniffed their own smells and practically do not feel them. In addition, people do not have as much dense vegetation, and it is much easier for them to wash off their grease while taking a bath or shower.
Subjectivity of perception of smells
We must also not forget that the sensations of the spectrum “does not smell - smells - or even stinks at all” is a rather subjective thing. Given that the sensitivity of a dog's nose is tens, if not hundreds of times higher than the sensitivity of human noses, there is no guarantee that the amber emanating from the human body is not painful for the animal. And if, purely theoretically, some kind of habit could have developed in dogs for millennia, they hardly had time to get used to the aroma of modern cosmetic products. And it is likely that a person who has just come out of his shower smells worse than the most terrible dog for a representative of the canine genus. Therefore, you should not be so categorical and snort in the direction of a wet dog. Maybe she wants to do the same, but out of a sense of tact, she simply does not allow herself such behavior.