An unpleasant smell from a dog can ruin the impression of even the most friendly and loyal pet. Dog owners are trying in every way to get rid of the dog smell in their apartment, remove it from clothes and upholstered furniture. Most often, such procedures have only a temporary effect. If you have such a problem, do not try to get rid of the "odor", but try to identify its cause.

Dog smell reasons

A bad smell from a dog can arise for several reasons - inadequate grooming and poor nutrition. Experts note that different breeds of dogs have their own characteristics. There are pets that smell more intense, and there are those that do not cause such trouble.

Each dog's hair is connected to the sebaceous glands. As you know, dogs do not sweat; liquid sweat is secreted only in the area of the paw pads. However, moisture, evaporating from the body, passes through the hairline. If the dog's coat is dirty, a specific odor appears. Accordingly, the more dirty the dog is, the more intense the smell will be.

How to deal with dog smell

The most effective way to get rid of unpleasant odors is to regularly bathe your dog. When washing the coat, it is better to use special shampoos, then your pet will smell in the truest sense of the word.

If you do not have enough time to carry out regular bathing procedures, then think about it before buying a dog. Short-haired dogs have been proven to smell much less than their fluffy counterparts. In addition, short coat requires minimal maintenance and is not a hassle during shedding.
Pay attention to your pet's diet. With an unbalanced or improper diet, an unpleasant smell of wool can not only appear suddenly, but also increase in intensity. The staple food for a dog is meat. Neither bones nor dry food can replace it. If the dog is not getting enough vitamins, this directly affects the functioning of many systems in his body. One of the consequences of not paying attention can be the rich smell of the dog.
How to remove an unpleasant odor from an apartment
Dog smell can be removed from an apartment or from clothes only by traditional methods - processing, cleaning and washing. Additionally, you can use air fresheners. The apartment should be ventilated as often as possible. In order to avoid such problems, it is better to take care of your pet's health. The smell will reappear over and over again, and the time to get rid of it is better spent bathing the dog.
Sometimes the smell of a dog appears even with regular pet grooming. In this case, please note that it may not come from the dog's body, but from its paws. There are sweat glands on the pads, so they need to be wiped or washed after walking. An unpleasant odor may be indicative of a health problem, visit your veterinarian.