How To Wash A Chihuahua

How To Wash A Chihuahua
How To Wash A Chihuahua

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Bathing is a very important procedure for all animals. It is an excellent prevention of all kinds of skin diseases. Someone is convinced and invariably practices the opinion that dogs are washed only once a year. In fact, no matter what breed your dog is, you should wash it when the dog is dirty. An exception may be the time when it is very cold outside. If the dog's coat is smooth or rather coarse, then it can be washed a little less often. In such dogs, the coat is capable of self-cleaning.

How to wash a Chihuahua
How to wash a Chihuahua


Step 1

Teach your puppy to wash from a very young age. It's easier with dogs than cats.

Frequent washing of the dog is expected, mainly in the "dirty" seasons, namely, in autumn and spring. After all, it is on these cloudy days that your pet returns from walks dirty, wet, such that you sometimes don’t even want to let it go on the carpet near the door.

Step 2

For more frequent washing, you need to stock up on certain information on how to do it, as well as special means. So, get a suitable shampoo at a special pet store. It should be soft, but should not dry out the dog's coat. Check that the shampoo contains egg white or lecithin. The wrong shampoo can lead to unpleasant consequences up to hair loss. If your dog has fleas, use a special insecticide shampoo.

washing big dog's paws
washing big dog's paws

Step 3

Before you wash your dog, be sure to brush it thoroughly. Even short, dead hairs are best removed with a comb before washing. Use special products to facilitate the procedure, which can also be purchased at pet stores.

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Step 4

To wash your dog, prepare a bath or a small trough, because the size of the dog is small. Place a large towel or some kind of rubber mat on the bottom of the trough. So your pet's paws will not slip and he will not be frightened and will happily take a bath.

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Step 5

Make sure the water is warm, no more than 35-40 degrees. Temper your pet in this way, because this is a good prevention of any colds. Increasing the bathing temperature can ruin your pet's skin and coat.

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Step 6

After you've finished washing your dog, squeeze the coat out a little, then let the puppy dust off himself. Then dry the coat thoroughly by blotting it with a towel. Use a large waffle towel for this. Before the coat dries, keep your puppy occupied with something to keep him awake.

Step 7

And one more piece of advice. Bathe your dog in the evening after a walk. This will help you avoid unnecessary colds.
