Which Is Better: Neutering The Cat Or Giving It Pills

Which Is Better: Neutering The Cat Or Giving It Pills
Which Is Better: Neutering The Cat Or Giving It Pills

The reproductive instinct is one of the strongest, because the survival of the species depends on it. Therefore, keeping cats, especially when they have the possibility of uncontrolled mating, becomes a real problem for their owners. The only way out of the situation can be contraception.

Which is better: neutering the cat or giving it pills
Which is better: neutering the cat or giving it pills

The need for contraception in cats

This measure is absolutely justified, since cats are ready to mate constantly and many are ready for this almost a week after the birth of kittens. Frequent childbirth is not only harmful to the health of the animal, but is also a headache for the owner, because kittens must not only be fed, but also subsequently distributed into good hands. Moreover, from the fact that the cat is purebred, little changes - it is quite problematic to attach such a number of kittens.

In addition, the cat changes beyond recognition during estrus. She can become overly affectionate and constantly make unpleasant loud noises. Long periods of non-mating leaks can also adversely affect the cat's health. To prevent estrus or completely deprive the cat of reproductive function, hormone pills or sterilization are used.

Birth control pills for cats

The only advantage of contraceptives for cats, which include hormonal pills and drops, is that after the end of their use, the animal's ability to give birth is restored. But even then, there is no guarantee that kittens will be born healthy and without pathology. There is also no guarantee that the cat will not bring kittens, despite the fact that you will give her these pills.

After long-term use, hormonal drugs become the cause of many diseases and dysfunctions of the internal organs of animals. There are frequent cases of oncology, the appearance of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system and pyometra.

Neutering cats

The only safe way to stop the torment of the animal and to suppress its reproductive instinct is the surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus - surgical sterilization. Of course, like any surgical intervention, such an operation poses some danger, but it guarantees 100% confidence that the cat will become calmer and no longer bring you kittens "in the hem", besides, it has no harmful consequences for her health.

Currently, for young cats that have not yet been in heat, only the removal of the ovaries is performed - ovariectomy. After the operation, the production of sex hormones stops and estrus no longer occurs, as well as false pregnancies. The age of such an operation is from 8 weeks to six months.

For those cats that have already become mothers, both the ovaries and the uterus are removed - an ovariohysterectomy. It allows you to stop pathological processes in the uterus and permanently save the animal from the opportunity to conceive.