Which Parrot Is Better To Choose

Which Parrot Is Better To Choose
Which Parrot Is Better To Choose

So, if you decide to have a pet and give preference exclusively to a parrot, then first of all you should deal with the breed of this bird. For the correct choice, it is necessary to take into account a number of fundamental factors, thanks to which it will not be difficult to decide on the upcoming purchase.

How to choose a parrot
How to choose a parrot

First, you need to figure out the amount of money that you intend to spend on the purchase of a pet. In addition, it should be remembered that a number of parrot breeds in the consumer market are very expensive. Also, with a bird, you will have to buy a variety of various and necessary accessories and products. This includes a suitable cage (spacious and comfortable), a water trough, a feeder, food, a mirror, etc.

Remember that parrots are very noisy creatures. They will never "quietly and motionlessly" sit in their cage, silently looking around. It is generally accepted that the smaller the parrot, the more noisy and restless it is. At the same time, larger species are largely "quieter", but nevertheless, they are still noisy.

When choosing the sex of a bird, you should be objective. If you intend to teach a bird to talk, then the best candidate for this role is exclusively a male. According to zoologists, females do not lend themselves well to learning human speech, while males learn this lesson quickly enough and without much hassle (depending on the type of bird). However, it is better to buy a pair (male and female), because alone many species do not take root and suffer. As a result, they begin to mutilate themselves, which often leads to the death of the bird.

It is worth noting that when choosing one or another type of parrot, it is imperative to pay attention to all the recommended rules and conditions for its maintenance. The most unpretentious parrots are considered species: cockatiels, pionuses, budgies and rosella. And of course, do not forget to regularly release your pet from the cage. He must spread his wings, train his muscles and just leave his metal "dungeon" at least occasionally.
