Yorkshire Terriers, one of the smallest dog breeds, have become extremely popular in recent years. This is explained not only by their compact size, convenient for living in city apartments, but also by their cheerful, friendly character, as well as some "glamor" that such a dog gives its owner. The less weight a Yorkie is, the more he is valued, but the breed standard does not provide for division by weight category.

Yorkshire Terrier weight

The weight of the Yorkshire Terrier belongs to the main characteristics of this breed of dog. According to the standards of various world cynological associations, it differs, but not much. So, according to the standards established by the ICF, AKC and FCI associations, its maximum value should be no more than 3100 g, AKK - 3175 g, UK KC - 3200 g, IKU - 3500 g. This weight is usually gained by the dog already at 12-14 months …
But, if everything is clear with the maximum weight, no standard sets the value of the minimum weight. Nevertheless, in advertisements for the sale of dogs of this breed, you can often find such definitions as mini or super mini Yorkshire terrier. It is assumed that mini yorks weigh no more than 2000 g, and super mini yorks - from 900 to 1300 g.
Problems with dogs weighing less than the standard

Although the standards do not provide for the division into ordinary, mini and super mini dogs, some unscrupulous breeders, taking advantage of the increased demand for miniature Yorkies, introduced this gradation in order to increase their value. Of course, it happens that in an ordinary litter there will be a puppy, the size and weight of which is much lower than the established standard. Such dogs are bought up for breeding work, in order to breed very small, dwarf Yorkies, and the breeders do it, but at what cost, they do not talk about it.
One of the main problems of dwarf Yorkshire terriers is childbirth, which is fraught with death for both mother and offspring.
Meanwhile, such mini-Yorkies are distinguished by special physical weakness, low immunity, congenital abnormalities and susceptibility to any infection. The most common pathology in these dogs, which, unfortunately, is not immediately possible to detect, is the atypical position of the liver, which often leads to the death of the dog at a very early age. Anyway, such dogs live very shortly and often suffer from vomiting and diarrhea. Dwarf dogs often die under a surgeon's scalpel, and their hearts cannot withstand anesthesia.
Standard Weight Yorkshire Terriers are in good health and can live up to 10-15 years.
Of course, a miniature Yorkie itself is a touching creature, and a mini or super mini is completely similar to living toys, but such a size and low weight of the animal increase the risk of injury. There are often cases when the owners of such babies, inadvertently, strangle them, not calculating the strength of the hugs. By accidentally stepping on such a dog or simply dropping something on it, you can either kill it or cripple it.