The Yorkshire Terrier has recently become not only a fashionable breed, but also a status breed, such a pet is perceived as a sign of the financial well-being of the family. And this is quite understandable - the prices for these dogs can reach several thousand dollars. Moreover, the lower the weight of the Yorkie, the higher its cost.

Breed standards
Despite their small size, Yorkies are very proportional, which is not hidden even by thick, long and silky wool, which falls evenly on both sides. Yorkshire Terriers are characterized by agility and lively, but balanced temperament. Since this breed is bred in many countries, existing national standards may differ slightly in the description of the physical parameters.

So, the standard weight established by the Federation of Kennel International (FCI) for Yorkies is 3.1 kg. This value is given as a maximum and in the standards of the American Kennel Club (AKC). The ancestor of the breed is Great Britain, the British Kennel Club (UK KC) set a maximum at around 3.2 kg, but the International Kennel Union (IKU) standard is the highest at 3.5 kg.

If you adhere to the requirements for the standard established by the UK, the most preferred are individuals whose weight is from 1, 8 to 2, 7 kg, the average height at the withers is 28 cm. All standards refer to the disadvantages of exceeding the maximum weight value, and although the minimum weight they do not specify in any way, it is noted that its small values are "not welcome".
Mini and super mini yorkies
However, there is an unofficial grading according to which Yirkshirk Terriers weighing no more than 2 kilograms are classified as “mini”, and those whose weight is from 0.9 to 1.3 kg are classified as “super mini”. They are, of course, more expensive than dogs of standard size and weight, but they are not a separate breed. The appearance of such "babies" in litters from parents with a standard weight, is an accident, and all attempts by breeders to breed a new variety of smaller Yorkies, as a rule, are not crowned with success.

By purchasing such a puppy, you should clearly understand that you are at great risk, but the breeder may not tell you about it. The fact is that small individuals, for the most part, have health problems that can be identified only after a while. The most serious pathology is the atypical position of the liver, which causes the death of the dog in 1-3 years. In addition, these "babies" are susceptible to any infection and require constant monitoring by the veterinarian. An ordinary dog of standard weight does not need constant veterinary care, rarely gets sick and lives on average up to 15 years.