A small puppy in the house is always pleasant emotions and a bunch of different insoluble problems. You need to figure out how to wash it, how to feed it, how to comb and cut, and in what quantities to give medicines and vitamins. But how do you weigh a puppy? Can't you put it on a scale?

It is necessary
puppy, bathroom scales
Step 1
Very tiny puppies of dwarf breeds need to be weighed in order to understand how correctly they grow and develop and what size they will reach in the future. There are certain standards for the ratio of the weight of dwarf breeds at a young age and their group membership: mini, standard or medium. To determine the weight of a small dog, you can use the usual grocery electronic scales that are available in every pet store or veterinary center. These scales have a large surface and the puppy will not experience much discomfort when you put him on them. However, try to keep it free from fussing, as this will affect the readings of the device.

Step 2
If the puppy is not dwarf and simply does not fit on a food scale, you can determine its weight in a simple and reliable way - using a conventional floor scale. Simply step on the scale, holding the puppy in your arms, and record the reading. After that, you need to weigh yourself without the dog and establish the difference - this will be the weight of your baby. The only drawback of this measurement method is its approximation. After all, bathroom scales can only show kilograms for sure, but many of them have difficulties with grams. Although, of course, if you have modern electronic floor scales at home, this problem will not arise.

Step 3
You can also try to pick up a very large puppy and weigh it on a floor scale, but not everyone is shown such a procedure for physical capabilities and health. If you are a fragile petite girl, and the puppy is almost equal in height to you, of course, you should not try to take it on yourself. For such cases, you can use an industrial scale. You can find this unit at a hardware store or at a home improvement market. The scales are a spacious platform for weighing bags, large boxes and building mixtures. They are often used in veterinary medicine to determine the weight of large animals. Try to negotiate with the owner of such a weight and find out the weight of your puppy very reliably.