If the owner is concerned about the condition of his dog, then he must control the weight of his pet. This is sometimes necessary in order to calculate the dose of the administered drug and, for example, to find out whether the "figure" of his pet is the breed standard or is the result of the absence of restrictions on food. In case of farce-majeure circumstances, the owner will not always be able to weigh his dog, so the weight must be known in advance.

Step 1
The manufacturers have already taken care of the dog lovers, they produce special scales that can be purchased in virtual stores over the Internet. Their design, design features and cost vary depending on the breed, and, therefore, the size of the dog. The larger the dog, the more expensive the measuring tool will be. Prices range from 3.5 to 4.5 thousand rubles. But such a purchase is not very practical, since weighing the dog is often not required, so the owners usually get by with improvised means.

Step 2
Weigh a small dog that fits in a shopping bag directly in it using a balance. Determine the weight of the bag later by weighing it separately. The difference between the weight of the dog sitting in the bag and the bag itself will indicate the weight of your pet.

Step 3
Suitable for this and ordinary floor scales, which are at home for many. Naturally, the accuracy of determining the dog's weight will be equal to the error of the scales. For the most accurate of them, it is plus or minus 50 grams. Weigh a dog weighing from 5 to 25 kg, picking it up, then weigh yourself and determine the difference between measurements.

Step 4
Dogs of large breeds, whose weight can reach 60 kg, cannot be weighed in this way - the maximum allowable weight of a home bathroom scale is 120-140 kg. The weight of the owner with the animal in his arms can exceed this norm. Such a hero can be weighed in a veterinary clinic, usually there are special scales for such large dogs. If private veterinarians do not have them in your town, then you can ask a grocery store, where there is a floor scale for weighing potatoes and other vegetables packed in bags.

Step 5
There are scales that are convenient for weighing dogs at train stations and airports, where they use them to determine if their luggage has exceeded the maximum allowable limit. It is unlikely that anyone will deny your "baby" such an opportunity to control his weight, especially since you put him on a spread newspaper to avoid comments.