How To Buy A Mini Pig

How To Buy A Mini Pig
How To Buy A Mini Pig

To buy an animal of the required breed, you need to follow a number of simple rules. With their help, you can choose a truly valuable, healthy and energetic mini-pig. This pet will meet all the expectations of its owner.

Adorable mini-pig of breed "Vinesau"
Adorable mini-pig of breed "Vinesau"

The situation when a decorative mini-pig minces next to the owner has long ceased to be exotic. Today this animal has become a rather popular pet, so many are interested in how to choose the right breed of miniature pig, so as not to regret this purchase later.

purchase an animal
purchase an animal

What are mini-pigs

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• Decorative mini (or micro) pigs.

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how to buy a pet

These animals are completely identical to the usual large representatives of this family. There are several dozen lines of the dwarf pig breed. They can be different in color: spotted, gray and pink. But standards for mini-pigs have not yet been established, so it is not possible to distinguish representatives of one pedigree from another. The price for these small animals is significantly higher than for other miniature pigs. On average, it is 25 thousand rubles.

• Vietnamese pot-bellied pig.

It is a type of mini-pigs and is considered the progenitor of all dwarf representatives of this family. Vietnamese pigs are rather large animals for miniature ones: from 45 to 100 kg of live weight. Keeping them in a small apartment is irrational: it will be uncomfortable not only for the pet, but also for its owners.

• Vinesau is a young breed developed by German breeders.

• Bergtressaer is a type of Vietnamese pig.

• Mini Mayapino - One of the popular breeds of micro pigs. This pig is the smallest: the weight of a piglet is only 0.4 - 0.5 kg, an adult - up to 10 kg.

• Mini-sibs - Russian decorative breed.

Rules for buying mini pigs

In order not to be disappointed in the acquisition, when an animal much larger than expected grows out of a small pig of the promised dwarf breed, when choosing your future pet, you should pay attention to the following points:

It is recommended to buy mini-pigs only in specialized clubs or nurseries. It is important to see the parents of the animal in order to have a complete idea of how the chosen pet will grow up. For this purpose, breeders stock up on photographs of the founders of the breed and the immediate parents of the animal.

You should not buy a mini pig from regular markets that sell various animals. In this case, there is no guarantee that the acquired mini-pig is not a cub of a large individual, small (week-old) piglets of which do not differ in any way from the offspring of dwarf breeds.

A preliminary examination of the animal is necessary: it must be clean, energetic, without traces of any disease.

If you follow these simple rules, then the acquired pet will grow exactly the way the owner wants to see it. Mini-pigs are creatures with a fairly developed intellect, and a lot of vivid impressions and pleasure from communicating with this animal are provided to its owner.
