If your child asks to have a pet, do not refuse him, because communication with animals has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche, teaches us to take care of others and be responsible. The guinea pig is a very cute rodent that is easy to take care of. This animal can become a common pet.

Step 1
It should be remembered that guinea pigs are herd rodents, in the wild they live in large families, therefore, when acquiring one rodent, pay a lot of attention to it so that it does not get bored and does not get sick. It is better to place the cage in a room where the whole family usually gathers. After the pig gets used to it and stops being afraid, it will love you and will begin to react to your appearance with peculiar joyful sounds. The guinea pig is very mobile, so it needs to be given the opportunity to run around the apartment during the day.

Step 2
Guinea pigs do not tolerate heat and dry air poorly. It is best to keep them in a cool place with at least 50% humidity. In summer, it is better to keep guinea pigs in the country, where the cage or aviary can be taken out directly on the street and placed in the shade of trees. The aviary must be covered with something from above to protect the pet from attacks from other animals or birds.

Step 3
The guinea pig cage should be spacious. If you buy several animals, then keep in mind that each of them needs an area of at least 40 * 40 cm. The best filler for the cage is large sawdust, shavings, hay or cat litter, which absorbs liquid and odor. Guinea pigs have a lot of urine, so clean the cage at least once a week.

Step 4
The diet of the guinea pig should be balanced. Most often, rodents begin to get sick precisely because of poor or improper nutrition. They should always be fed at the same time 2-3 times a day. The best feed: fresh grass in summer, hay in winter and autumn, wheat bran, ripe and fresh vegetables and fruits. In no case should you give the animal sausage and cheese, dairy products (except for the lactation period), bad and unripe fruits, the remains of your food, sweets.

Step 5
The guinea pig's cage should have a fresh water bowl and a feeder. It is better to buy a feeder heavy enough so that it does not turn over when the animal stands on it with its front legs.

Step 6
It is necessary to bathe a guinea pig only if absolutely necessary - if it has smeared its fur with feces or dirt. To do this, pour warm water into a small bowl so that it hides the legs of the animal. For washing wool, you need to use a pet shampoo. When washing, make sure that no water gets into your ears. After bathing, carefully wipe off the animal's fur. If it's cool at home, you can blow dry your mumps to keep them from getting cold.