The squirrel is an energetic and curious little animal, a traditional inhabitant of forests and forest park areas. It cannot be confused with another animal - a small (about 28 cm) slender body covered with thick brown, and sometimes gray or black fur, a round big-eyed head, tassels on the tips of the ears and a lush tail - the appearance of a forest beauty is familiar to almost everyone. The squirrel is perhaps the cutest of all rodents. And it's no surprise that animal lovers are increasingly adopting squirrels at home.

Keep squirrel at home - is it necessary?

You should, however, think carefully before introducing a squirrel into your home. Do not be mistaken - this is not a cat or a dog, and it will not work with her as close communication as with ordinary pets. The squirrel quickly enough gets used to the person who feeds it, but in general it remains completely indifferent to him. For her, you are just an appendix to the food you offer. Don't try to change this.
It is known that only one animal out of 10 becomes completely tame. The squirrel will not allow itself to be squeezed and stroked - it can bite quite hard. Adult animals generally remain semi-wild - it's good if they start taking food out of your hands.
The best thing you can do for fluffy forest beauties is to love and admire them from a distance.
If you still want to have a squirrel at home, consider purchasing a specially tamed squirrel. Adult animals find it very difficult to adapt to life in an apartment.
How to keep a squirrel in an apartment

To keep the animal, you need a spacious metal cage, or better an aviary of the largest possible size - squirrels do not live long in cramped cages.
The aviary can be installed on the balcony or, if you live in a private house, in the yard, outdoors. Inside, equip a nest where the animal will sleep. A regular wooden box with a round hole is suitable for this purpose. As a bedding, you can use an old terry towel cut into pieces or pieces of fur.
Attach feeders to the wall of the cage or aviary. There should be two of them - for dry and wet food. If these are simple saucers, which is also quite acceptable, place them in a corner so that the animal does not turn them over. The cage or aviary should be cleaned as often as possible - at least 2-3 times a week. Squirrel discharge has a rather pungent odor. Frequent cleaning is essential. Wash the feeder daily. For prophylaxis, scald the cage with boiling water once a week. To eliminate the smell, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or bleach.
Contrary to popular belief, the wheel is not a necessity, it is quite possible to do without it. It is better to install all kinds of branches, twigs, snags inside the enclosure, along which the animal will jump and climb - this is how the squirrel prefers to satisfy the need for movement. In addition, she needs to grind down her rather sharp claws.
From time to time, you can release the squirrel to run around the room. In this case, it is necessary that someone look after her, otherwise many necessary things will easily and naturally be turned into unnecessary trash.
The squirrel tries everything that comes across to her. An uncontrolled walk can even be dangerous. For example, squirrels do not distinguish wires from branches and can easily chew on them.
Protein is fed 2 times a day. The main ones are vegetable feed. Proteins love: pine and spruce seeds, fruits and berries, raisins, nuts, fresh and dried mushrooms; eat the buds and shoots of trees, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, vegetables, for example, carrots, are very fond of cottage cheese and cheese. In addition to water, they drink juices and milk. In natural conditions, they eat bird eggs and insects. Fresh eggs can be given raw, but for prevention, it is better to boil them hard. In winter, a little honey can be added to juicy feed, as well as oil solutions of vitamins A, D and E once a week. Do not give anything fried or baked, as well as sweets and other sweets. There should always be clean water.
And yet, the best option for close communication between a person and a squirrel is to settle the animals in a summer cottage or personal plot or attract them there, which is quite possible.