Pregnancy in guinea pigs is accompanied by a number of related symptoms. When probing the abdomen of an animal, it is possible to understand that the pig will soon bring offspring not earlier than three weeks from the moment of mating. In addition, there are characteristic changes in the behavior of the pet.

Early pregnancy detection
The main indicator of the onset of pregnancy in a guinea pig is the absence of estrus. The delay usually occurs 14-15 days after mating.
In order to learn how to understand whether a guinea pig is pregnant or not, try giving your animal regular check-ups. If you gently feel the belly of a pet in the presence of pregnancy and in its absence, even an inexperienced owner of these animals will be able to feel the characteristic difference.
Do not try too persistently and carefully to feel the belly of the mumps. If such procedures cause discomfort to the animal, then the feeling should be stopped immediately, and next time it should be done as carefully as possible.
In addition, if the guinea pig does not allow itself to be controlled or does not allow itself to be touched, then this behavior may indicate the presence of pregnancy. During such periods, animals are distinguished by increased sensitivity and a heightened instinct for self-preservation.
Definition of pregnancy at a later date
Later in pregnancy, the guinea pig's pregnancy becomes visible visually. Her belly becomes noticeably rounded, and her movements become more sluggish. In addition, the nipples swell at the same time and change color to a brighter one.
You can determine if a guinea pig is pregnant by regularly weighing the animal. Please note that in the first weeks the pet will maintain its usual weight. After 3 weeks of pregnancy, there will be a rapid increase in weight.
In late pregnancy, toxicosis may occur in guinea pigs. During this period, the animal may refuse food. This behavior should not be ignored. Otherwise, the offspring may not survive or have developmental disabilities.
As the embryos develop, the guinea pig becomes sluggish. In late pregnancy, animals practically do not move. Rapid breathing is observed, and outwardly the pet looks tired and drowsy. The owner of the guinea pig should make sure that water for the pet is always freely available.
Dates of pregnancy in guinea pigs
Pregnancy in a guinea pig usually lasts no more than ten weeks. Premature birth can occur if an animal has more than three fetuses. Cubs are born well-developed and quite mobile. This fact is due to the natural way of life of this animal. The fact is that guinea pigs spend most of their time on the surface, they do not dig holes, but occupy ready-made shelters. The offspring of a guinea pig should be able to hide from enemies from the very first days of life.
During pregnancy, the guinea pig needs to be provided with adequate care and a comfortable living environment. Otherwise, the offspring may be born unadapted to life.
After giving birth, in no case should you disturb your pet or pick up newborn cubs. Otherwise, the guinea pig can independently destroy its offspring.