Buying a hamster is wonderful. You bought a baby you liked at a pet store, brought him home, began to equip a home for him and store food. It's good if you know exactly what breed your new little friend is, but what if no one told you this information when buying? How to feed him, how to properly care for him and what kind of behavior to expect from him in the future? Cheer up, the breed of a hamster can be easily identified after purchase.

It is necessary
hamster, attentiveness and observation
Step 1
Pay attention to the back of your hamster. If it is decorated with a dark stripe along its entire length, and the body is light gray or fawn, you are the lucky owner of a Dzungarian hamster. These are dwarf hamsters, the size of which in an adult state does not exceed 10 cm. Another characteristic feature of this breed of hamsters is the tail. It is very short, almost invisible. Take a close look at the sitting hamster. If you do not see the tail, you have a dzungarik in front of you.

Step 2
The next most common is the Syrian hamster. Often inexperienced breeders call it Siberian, but this is wrong. The Syrian hamster has a golden cream coat with characteristic light areas on the abdomen, tips of the paws and in the collar area. Such hamsters grow much larger than Dzungarian ones and can reach the size of a guinea pig. In such a hamster, the coat can grow very long with age. Depending on the species, Syrian hamsters are divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless.

Step 3
Many people confuse Dzungarian hamsters with Campbell's hamsters. These two species are really very similar. Both are dwarf species and both have a gray or smoky coat. But the Campbell hamster, unlike the Dzungarian, does not have a pronounced stripe on the back. Pay attention to the pattern and color of the back of the hamster: if you see a very pale, almost imperceptible stripe, or you do not see it at all, you have Campbell's hamster in front of you. The color of such babies can be uniform or the coat will differ in dark and lighter areas.