Persian Cats: Some Features

Persian Cats: Some Features
Persian Cats: Some Features

Domestic cats can be pets not only for children, but also for adults. There are many types of these pets. Persian cats are one of the most common pets that bring joy, warmth and affection to their owners.

Persian cats: some features
Persian cats: some features

Perfection of temper, charm and beauty - such characteristics can be endowed with the Persian breed of cats. One of the main features of the animal's appearance is thick and long fur, which has several varieties in color. Eye color also varies.

Cats of this breed are popular among animal lovers because of their gentle disposition, love and devotion to humans. They very rarely meow, which makes them great pets. Persians will gladly play with both adults and young children, without causing any harm to them, unlike some other breeds.

Keeping such a breed is easy. It is advisable to have a scratching board at home. Hair care has a certain peculiarity, it must be periodically combed so that tangles do not appear, and there will be less wool in the apartment. It is advisable to accustom the cat to the procedure from the first months. It is also gado to monitor the cleanliness of the ears, eyes of the Persian, to prevent worms and other parasites.

It is necessary to monitor proper nutrition, the Persians love to overeat (this is also one of the features of this type of cat), which is fraught with excess weight, because every owner wants to have a beautiful and healthy animal nearby.

Persian cats prefer the company of people and do not like to be alone. They will happily go to bed with the owner, keep company in the kitchen, or sit peacefully on their knees in the hope that they will be stroked.
