Dzungarian Hamster: Some Features Of The Content

Dzungarian Hamster: Some Features Of The Content
Dzungarian Hamster: Some Features Of The Content

The Dzungarian hamster is a great pet for those who have little space and do not have enough time to have more serious pets. Its size is up to 10 cm, and its weight is up to 45 grams. He can be a great friend for children and delight the eyes of adults.


The Dzungarian hamster is a mobile creature. It is desirable for him to have a spacious cage with a minimum distance between the rods, otherwise he may escape. Instead of a cage, you can use an aquarium or a plastic duna cage.

A small running wheel is placed inside the cage; it must be safe and not injure the legs. A drinking bowl with clean water and a bowl for food are required. The drinker is chosen with a ball - it is convenient to use, and water does not spill from it.

It is necessary to put the pet a small house and build low shelves for climbing.

Sawdust or white paper is usually used as cell filler. Clean the cage every 3 to 4 days.

It is not difficult to feed Dzungarian hamsters. They love seeds, grains, cereals, and legumes. They enjoy eating salad greens, vegetables and fruits. Pieces of juicy food give small so that the pet eats them quickly, and they do not spoil. It is necessary to be more careful with sweet foods - they can adversely affect the health of the animal. For better development, sometimes you should indulge in protein foods - lean meat, egg white, cottage cheese, insects and mealworms.

Foods dangerous for the hamster: cheese, cabbage, potatoes, sausages, fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods.

Many pet food manufacturers produce special balanced feeds. It is better to take several types and mix them.
