Breeding fish at home is an interesting activity that helps to pacify a person's state of mind and stabilize his nervous activity. But, having an aquarium at home, you have to solve the problems that arise with it. If the water reservoir has leaked, and a puddle regularly forms under it, the container should be repaired immediately without waiting for its irreversible deterioration.

It is necessary
- - silicone sealant and a gun to it;
- - acetone;
- - glass.
Step 1
Examine the aquarium carefully and locate the leak. Examine the lamp and cover glass, perhaps you took ordinary condensation dripping onto the table for a leak, in which case there is no need to repair the aquarium.

Step 2
Purchase a silicone sealant from the store, it is best to take a special one, marked "for aquariums". In the absence of this, you can take a universal one for glass, but make sure that it does not contain antifungal additives. It is advisable to use a gun to squeeze out the sealant, as without it you will not be able to apply the adhesive evenly.

Step 3
If water gradually seeps through the through bubble in the joint (the passage through the full width of the glue joint), then try dripping silicone into this place and push so that it passes inward. Do the same from the inside of the aquarium, spread the protruding part of the glue with a spatula or finger.

Step 4
If water flows along the entire seam and no bubbles are visible, most likely the glue has come off due to poor degreasing. In this case, it is not worth covering up anything, the seam will disperse further anyway. Try one of the following. Find glass of the same thickness throughout the entire length of the aquarium and about 6-7 cm thick. Then degrease the surfaces with acetone. Apply a mesh of silicone sealant and firmly attach the glass strip to the bottom, pressing it against the front glass (between the end of the strip to be glued and the glass, there should be a layer of glue of at least 1 mm). Also coat the other end of the strip well with sealant so that there are no bubbles. The aquarium should dry for a week, then you can fill in water and start the fish.

Step 5
A more radical method for sealing the aquarium: remove all glass and thoroughly clean from old silicone (cut off the bulk with a knife, and wash the rest with soap and water, wipe clean with paper). Wipe the glass, where the seam will pass, with a sponge soaked in acetone, then apply a layer of sealant and attach the wall of the aquarium. Smear the silicone along the seam with any means at hand, even your finger.

Step 6
If the bottom of the aquarium is cracked, take a strip of glass covering the crack and degrease everything with acetone. Cover the bottom with silicone sealant and apply a strip. Once again, coat all ends well, ensuring tightness, there should not be a single bubble or gap. Leave the tank to dry for a week. Before putting it back in place, make sure that the entire bottom surface rests on the table top of the stand, otherwise the repair will not help for long.