How To Train A Dog To Be A Cat

How To Train A Dog To Be A Cat
How To Train A Dog To Be A Cat

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Not in all cases the expression “live like a cat and a dog” means that there is animosity between animals. Very often, these pets have affection for each other and even make friends. However, at first, their coexistence in one apartment can be overshadowed by daily squabbles. How can you train a dog to be a cat and make them live together?

How to train a dog to be a cat
How to train a dog to be a cat


Step 1

Try to bring babies into the home. If a kitten and a puppy start living together from a very young age, then their friendship is almost guaranteed. If you already have an adult dog, and you also want a cat, then take a small kitten.

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Step 2

Be sure to check the first meeting of your pets. Let them sniff each other, the kitten will master the space a little. At the very beginning, do not try to bring them together. It is quite natural for a dog and a cat to study each other from the side. Make sure that your dog, for any reason, perhaps even extremely friendly, does not frighten the baby.

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Step 3

At first, feed your dog and kitten in the same room, but in different corners. Thus, instinctively, they will begin to associate each other's smell with something pleasant. In general, you should always feed the animals separately, even if later they begin to treat themselves from other people's plates. But until your pets become friends, do not let them climb into other people's dishes - this is fraught with conflict.

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how to get used to a cat

Step 4

Try not to make your pet stand out. Both the dog and the cat, being in the role of the deprived of attention, can show jealousy and do you small dirty tricks. With each other, this will also alienate them. If you pet and play with one, then take time for the second pet.

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how to train a kitten to sleep at night

Step 5

Control the period when the animals begin to converge. Belonging to different species and families, dogs and cats "speak" different languages. The signals, which for the dog are an expression of joy and an invitation to play, can be understood in a completely different way by the cat and can be aggressive. On the other hand, the cat may show its position with light tail bites, which the dog may not like. But over time and under your supervision, they will learn to understand each other's language.

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how to prepare a cat for a dog

Step 6

Encourage their budding friendship. Arrange joint games, pet both animals and talk to them. The cat will most likely quickly learn that the buddy can be used as a living heating pad. You will understand the affection of animals by mutual licking, sleeping, playing.
