Dwarf dogs - chihuahuas, toy terriers and others do not have to be constantly taken out into the street to meet their natural needs. In the cold season or on a long journey, for example, on a train, the doggie can do its thing on a diaper.

Step 1
How to accustom a dog to a diaper? If you decide to equip a dog's toilet at home, you need to start this as soon as you brought the puppy into the apartment. Your pet is still quite small, and one room will be enough for him to play and run. And you can even build an aviary, fencing off part of the territory. Cover your dog's floor with newspapers.

Step 2
Within one and a half to two weeks, remove some of the newspapers until there is only one left. Place it in the tray and place a diaper under it. Every time the puppy does his thing in the right place, praise him, give him a treat. Do not scold if not everything succeeds so far. Track the behavior of the dog. As soon as you see that the dog is fussing, began to squat - take it to the tray.

Step 3
When your pet gets used to having his toilet in one place, the newspaper can be removed and the diaper can be left in the litter box. A children's absorbent sheet made of special rubberized fabric is very suitable for this purpose. It is very convenient on the road, as it retains the liquid that gets to the surface.

Step 4
Even when your baby gets used to relieve himself on a diaper, do not forget to walk with him more often. Fresh air is necessary for animals as well as for humans. On walks, they learn about the world, communicate with other dogs, play, develop. You should not close the crumbs within four walls. Dogs start to get bored from this, sometimes they even get sick. Take the puppy with you to the park, to visit, to the store. It's always more fun together!