How To Train A Cat To Sharpen Its Claws

How To Train A Cat To Sharpen Its Claws
How To Train A Cat To Sharpen Its Claws

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The appearance of a cat in an apartment brings the owners, among other things, certain inconveniences. Walls, furniture, wooden coverings suffer from cat's claws. But forbidding cats to sharpen their claws is impossible. This is inherent in them at the genetic level. For your peace of mind, it would be better to help your pets.

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How to stop a cat from tearing up furniture


Step 1

Cats from the very infancy should be tamed to sharpen their claws in a certain place. The leg of the dining table is considered a universal place. Wrap it with a special cloth (sold at pet stores) or carpet. You can teach a kitten how to use such a "claw-rake" by dropping a little valerian on it or attaching your favorite toy there. For the correct behavior of the kitten should be encouraged by affection or goodies.

Step 2

Another option is suitable if your cat is already used to sharpening its claws on wallpaper or doorframes. Place a piece of carpet or piece of wood a meter above the floor. You can put carved wooden shields around the perimeter of the entire room.

Step 3

You can upholster any board with an old carpet and place it in a special place at an angle, or simply put it on the floor, depending on how it will be more convenient to sharpen your cat's claws.
