Do I Need To Cut The Claws Of A Cat

Do I Need To Cut The Claws Of A Cat
Do I Need To Cut The Claws Of A Cat

Sharp cat claws cause irreparable damage to upholstered furniture, carpets and curtains. In addition, the cat can injure itself or the owner during the game. A cat manicure can be a solution. This service is provided in veterinary clinics, but the owner can trim the claws of the pet on his own.

Do I need to cut the claws of a cat
Do I need to cut the claws of a cat

The structural feature of cat paws implies retractable claws. In case of danger, the cat releases them, and in the normal state, sharp claws hide in the pads of the paws. Wild animals need claws. They not only help to defend, but also make it possible to quickly climb a tree or stay on an unstable surface. The cat constantly monitors the condition of the claws, sharpens them, and removes exfoliated particles with its teeth.

Pets permanently living in an apartment do not need sharp claws. Attempts to sharpen them on furniture or carpet annoy the owners. In addition, cats often cling to curtains, bedspreads or tablecloths with the tip of their claws and cannot free themselves without assistance. To solve the delicate problem of dangerous in everyday life "cat daggers" must be solved by the owners.

There are few options. Some salons offer special plastic claws that completely hide the sharp points. However, most animals are not happy with them, and an accidentally swallowed patch can cause intestinal blockage. The radical method - the removal of claws - is considered by animal advocates to be a very cruel and unjustified measure. There is only one way out - the constant clipping of the claws.

Some pet owners believe that a manicure can be uncomfortable for a cat. This is not true. During processing, only the very tip of the claw is cut off, this is an absolutely painless process. After a few sessions, the cat gets used to the manicure and behaves calmly. The procedure itself lasts only a few minutes.

For processing, buy special nippers with rounded blades. They give a smooth cut and do not delaminate the claws. Go for the mini pet friendly option. It is better to cut the claws of a cat in the bathroom. Secure your pet to trim sharp ends quickly and neatly. A very agile cat can be wrapped in a large towel, leaving the paw to be treated outside. Trim the tips of the claws one by one without touching the root colored part. If you accidentally cut more than you need to, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. Trim the nails on all four legs one at a time.

The procedure should be repeated once a week or less. In kittens, claws grow faster, older cats need more rare manicure. Note that the claws grow unevenly. Sometimes only one sharpened claw can be found on the paws. In the process of manicure, it is worth removing the exfoliated particles that cats usually bite off. After correct processing, you can be completely calm about the condition of your furniture. Cats won't be interested in her anymore.
