How To Train Your Cat To The Spot

How To Train Your Cat To The Spot
How To Train Your Cat To The Spot

Table of contents:


Cats are very clean and tidy creatures. In most cases, kittens learn to walk in the litter box on their own, observing and repeating the actions of their mother. However, sometimes they cannot get proper education, in which case the kitten needs your help. Training your pet to the litter box is pretty simple, but a little patience is essential.

How to train your cat to the spot
How to train your cat to the spot


Step 1

First of all, you need to take care of buying a tray and filler for it (at first, the filler can be replaced with torn toilet paper). If you do not do this right away, then get ready for the kitten to choose a place convenient for him. It is extremely difficult to get rid of this habit in the future. Try to choose the most secluded and accessible location for the tray. Remember that the door to this room must always be open.

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Step 2

As often as possible (7-10 times a day) put the kitten in the pot you bought for him. After a while, he himself will understand why they poke him so stubbornly. After he once uses the tray for its intended purpose, the remaining smell will signal the correctness of his actions. Every time the kitten has done "it" in the right place, praise and reward him. If the pet has relieved its need by the tray, then in no case scold him. Place the pot next to this spot. Move it 1-1.5 m to the side every day. In a few weeks, your pet will become the most exemplary cat.

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Step 3

With adults, everything is somewhat more complicated. They often have many reasons for their own misbehavior, such as jealousy, resentment, or fear. In the event that the cat has already several times chooses the wrong place to cope with the needs, it is urgent to take countermeasures. First, try to get rid of the persistent odor in such places, you can do this using chlorine solution (1:10) and citrus peels. Then you need to take the offending pet by the scruff of the neck (do not be alarmed by this, because this is the way the cat treats its kittens) and poke him into the tray so that he smells and understands what he was punished for.

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Step 4

Sometimes a cat's reluctance to do his thing in the right place is due to the fact that he does not like the tray itself, the filler, or the smell of the detergent you use to disinfect. Try to understand what the problem is. Sometimes it is enough to stop cleaning the toilet with bleach to make your pet enjoy using the litter box.
