So, you have a cat, dog, bird or hamster at home. After the first outbursts of joy and affection and solving issues with food, a house and a toilet, a completely reasonable question arises about the future name of your pet. And if you are not a supporter of Brasikov, Murok or Ryzhikov, and you certainly want to come up with something original for your new family member, it is better to approach this with all responsibility. After all, the animal will have to wear its nickname all its life.

Step 1
If you think that the name of an animal is solely a matter of your taste, then you are mistaken. Of course, you must like the name, otherwise there will be absolutely no meaning in it. But besides this, the name of the animal should be simple and understandable and sound so as to attract the attention of the animal itself. If you are puzzling over a name for a cat, it is better to choose one that will have hiss and sibilants. The combination of the letters "h", "w", "u", "g" and "z" very well attracts the attention of the mustachioed-striped. Therefore, if you call a cat Chapa, she will get used to the nickname much faster than Murka or Angelina.

Step 2
Do not get carried away with double names or too long nicknames. The name Maria Elena-Louise-Isabella will certainly amaze all your guests and acquaintances, but for a cat or dog it will mean absolutely nothing. In double nicknames, animals remember only the first part and react to it even when the owners did not even think to call the pet by name. Pelmen Petrovich will willingly respond to the nickname Pelmen, but the owners should not be under the illusion that a dog with that name will know its second component as well. Likewise with too long names like Isabella, Wilhelmina or Nasturtium. They are inconvenient for quick pronunciation, and it is difficult to remember them not only for animals, but also for the owners themselves.

Step 3
First of all, pay attention to the character of the animal, and then think about which nickname will suit him. Any name should have its own meaning and meaning. A ginger cat can perfectly become both a Tiger and a Pomeranian, and a snow-white lapdog with blue eyes does not have to be exactly Snowflake or Foam, but can easily grow into Candy or Yap. Remember that the individual characteristics of your pet will definitely tell you how best to name it. Do not come up with too distant and abstract nicknames. Let your friend's name mean something.