Laurie, cockatoo, macaw and other representatives of the order of parrots are well known to everyone. You do not need to be an expert to distinguish them from other birds at first glance by their hooked beak and bright color, characteristic of most species of parrots.

People love their ability to imitate human speech the most. Probably, an important role in this is played by the tongue of parrots, round, fleshy, very mobile. The fingers of parrots, like cuckoos, are grouped into two pairs - front and back. A distinctive feature of all parrots is a powerful beak. Its base is covered with bare skin, on which there are openings of the nostrils. In total, there are more than 650 species of parrots in nature, common in countries with warm and temperate climates.

Amazons and macaws

Features that distinguish Amazons from other species include a medium-sized round tongue and transverse grooves on the outer tip of the lower jaw. Habitat stretches from the lower Amazon to Cuba and the Lesser Antilles. Like the large green-winged macaws that live in the selves of Panama and South America, Amazons feed on fruits and seeds. The most elegant of the parrot family is the macaw, the indigenous inhabitants of the non-tropical zone. Their appearance is very extravagant - a long tail, a huge beak, unfeathered cheeks with narrow feather "paths", bright and variegated coloration. The red macaw, a bird almost a meter long, crimson in color, with blue feathers in its tail, often turns out to be a favorite pet. All these species of birds learn to speak very easily. However, all of them are far from the talents of the Grays.


The African gray has chosen the jungle of Zaire and the coast of Guinea as its habitat. The plumage of this parrot is almost ashy with a bright crimson tail. Grays usually feed on bananas, mangoes and other tropical fruits. It is lazy to build nests, and lays eggs in any hollow. In captivity, it easily begins to imitate various sounds and talk.

Content recommendations
Today, many people have various types of parrots as pets. In order to make the life of a parrot in captivity more comfortable, you must adhere to some rules:
1. At least twice a year, it is necessary to give medicine for worms.
2. Do not leave parrot cages in smoky rooms, drafts, kitchens or bathrooms.
3. Feed only fresh food, including fruits and vegetables.
4. The cage must be large.
5. The cage should be cleaned daily.
How to name a pet
Parrot names are often just abbreviations of human names. Sometimes the names of popular cartoon or movie characters are used as the parrot's nickname. If the bird is bought from hands or in a pet store, then it is likely that it already has a nickname, it is just enough to learn it from the previous owner.
But birdwatchers recommend that the name of the pet contains sibilant sounds and the letters "h" and "k", tk. they will be easiest for the parrot to repeat. For some reason, parrots love to "growl", so the sound "r" in the name will be very useful. It must be remembered that parrots usually pronounce words in a chant, and this requires vowels that can be stretched, for example Pro-o-osh.
Pondering the topic of how to name a parrot, many are trying to pick up a very pretentious nickname, not knowing how it will affect others and the bird itself. But, if the name is funny enough, then repeating it by the parrot himself can cheer up all those present. It is also necessary to take into account that the name of the parrot should not be similar to the names of the owners or other pets.
Names can be considered as variants of names - Shurshun, Arkasha, Elvira, Kopusha, Bianca, Archik, Berta, Chernysh, Gypsy, Kesha, Gerda, Carlusha, Kiki, Tisha, Sherri and the like.