Horse Diseases: Treatment With Folk Remedies

Horse Diseases: Treatment With Folk Remedies
Horse Diseases: Treatment With Folk Remedies

Many villagers and villagers still keep horses in their backyard. But, as you know, these animals are susceptible to many ailments, although most of them can be successfully treated with folk remedies.

Horse diseases: treatment with folk remedies
Horse diseases: treatment with folk remedies

When bending (bending) the soles or arrows in the form of bruises - you need to clean off the affected layer, rinse the wound with diluted alcohol, lubricate with birch tar for disinfection and bandage clean birch bark; wash the hoof with chamomile infusion, make lotions from it. When the arrow decays, clean it as deeply as possible, make baths from a 3% solution of carbolic acid or creolin, or lysol; Dry the arrow and pour the powder of alum, or oak bark, copper sulfate into the groove. You can first pour in the tar, and then pour the copper sulfate, plug it with cotton wool or tow.

When pinning - unhook the horse, clear the injection site, pour in tincture of iodine, apply fresh or steamed dried plantain leaf and bandage the hoof, refreshing the bandage with plantain 3-4 times a day. The place of forging can also be washed with table vinegar and salt, poured with linseed oil and melted wax, and on top, grind or boil millet and apply hot.

To soften dry hoof horns, you can put the horse in a pit of cow dung covering the hooves for seven days in a row. Boiled turnip seeds mixed with fresh lard or unsalted butter also help; a warm mixture is applied to the hooves and tied with clean cloth. You can make a mixture of wood wax oil and melted wax and goat lard - rub the warm mixture into the hoof.

With cracks in the hooves, if they are from below, it is necessary to remove the horn as much as possible, mix sulfur with goat fat, warm up and fill the crack with this hot composition. Shoe your leg by pouring hemp oil mixed with egg white under the horseshoe. The cracks coming from the top of the rim are cauterized with hot iron, filled with melted sulfur and covered with lard or resin. From cracks, crushed hemp or plantain seed boiled in goat or lamb fat helps, which is coated around the hoof in a warm form.

An ointment made from a mixture of old lard and goat lard, vegetable oil and wax helps to grow the hoof. If, when cleaning the sole of the hoof, a prick or splinter is noticeable (glass, a piece of iron), then immediately remove the foreign object, fill the injection site with hot lard, tincture of iodine, brilliant green and bandage the hoof.

In lactating mares, inflammation of the udder (mastitis) may occur, which is expressed in hardening of soreness, heat. In this case, you need to make a warm poultice of chamomile flowers boiled in boiling water on the udder; poultices are made 2-4 times a day, and in the intervals between them, the udder is smeared with camphor oil.

Some horses have profuse hair loss from the tail and mane. For their growth, an ointment is cooked from juicy spruce cones in butter (1: 3) and the hair roots are thickly lubricated along the crest of the neck and on the tail head.
