Red-eared Turtles: Diseases And Treatment

Red-eared Turtles: Diseases And Treatment
Red-eared Turtles: Diseases And Treatment

Red-eared turtles are popular pets. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and ease of care. However, a number of conditions of detention must be observed, otherwise various diseases may occur.

Red-eared turtles: diseases and treatment
Red-eared turtles: diseases and treatment


Pneumonia in red-eared turtles arises from hypothermia, if the climatic conditions in the aquaterrarium are not observed. Turtles need a lighting lamp under which they can bask. If not properly treated, pneumonia will kill the animal within a few days. The first warning signs: a runny nose, heavy breathing, the turtle always stays on the surface and does not dive. The mouth is constantly open, the animal makes hissing sounds.

Treatment can be carried out with both antibiotics and folk remedies. The latter option is relevant only in the initial stages. The antibiotic is selected by a veterinarian, depending on the stage of the disease. Vitamins are actively introduced into the diet, it is advisable to purchase a source of ultraviolet radiation. Of the folk methods, inhalation with a decoction of chamomile is effective for pneumonia. You need to hold the turtle over the evaporating broth so that your hand is not hot. You can also make warm chamomile baths.

Diseases of the eyes

Eye swelling is another common condition in red-eared turtles. The mucous membranes of their eyes become purple and their eyelids look puffy. The reasons for this condition are dirty water and a lack of vitamins. The first step is to thoroughly clean the aquaterrarium, wipe the turtle's eyes with a 3% boric acid solution. This can also be done with chamomile decoction. Then see your veterinarian for eye drops.

Diseases of the shell

The shell of red-eared turtles is also problematic. The most common are rickets, necrosis and osteomyelitis. Rickets affects young individuals, it includes the softness of the shell and softening of the jaw. Treatment is necessary so that irreparable deformities do not occur. It is necessary to provide enough vitamin D3 in the diet, it is imperative to install a source of ultraviolet radiation above the animal's home.

Necrosis occurs after a violation of the integrity of the shell, when an infection enters the crack. The carapace shields begin to flake off, then the process goes to the bones. If damaged shields are not removed, the animal will die. Wounds should be treated with special anti-fungal and antibacterial ointments, and water should be avoided. At advanced stages, the necrosis of the carapace does not respond to treatment.

Osteomyelitis is a bacterial attack on the shell. First, rough spots appear, after which the shell layer dies off. In advanced cases, the process reaches the internal organs. Treatment: the introduction of subcutaneous antibiotics. The main reason is trauma.

Skin diseases

Fungal skin lesions are also common in turtles. Peeling, plaque are noted. Treatment consists in washing the skin with potassium permanganate and using antifungal ointments. All items from the aquaterrarium must be boiled. Sometimes peeling is a symptom of vitamin A deficiency or hypervitaminosis. The correct diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian.
