A cat is an intelligent and freedom-loving animal that is used to walking by itself. But even this independent beauty is flattering attention, tenderness and tactile touch. This is because by rubbing against furniture, the owners' legs and corners, the cat denotes its cat territory, marks objects in its path with glands located on the temples between the ears and eyes. The human nose is unable to distinguish these odors. This is what the animals use, marking us with only one demand to pet.

Step 1
Satisfy the cat's desire, give her attention for at least 20 minutes a day. Take the animal in your arms, sit on your knees and stroke it over the coat. An affectionate cat will immediately respond with a grateful purr, close its eyes and begin to touch its front paws.
Step 2
The most sensitive areas in a cat are its ears and muzzle, since there are cat's whiskers, which are responsible for touch. Pat it between the ears, scratch the nose and behind the ear, stroke the neck. Your furry friend will experience incredible pleasure from such caresses.

Step 3
Cats, like humans, have zones of the highest pleasure. If the face and ears are universal places, then you should also look for individual zones. Examine your cat by stroking her tummy, over her tail, or her paws. Kisa herself will make it clear where your touch is most pleasant to her.

Step 4
Sometimes you can give the cat the opportunity to pet itself, in a self-care method. Let it rub against your feet, hands, face, and other parts of your body. Believe me, she will get no less pleasure from this than if you stroked the pet with your hands.

Step 5
Use a comb or brush. At the same time, you will pet the cat, giving it joy, comb out excess undercoat and tangles, rid your house of fluff, and bring its fur to a magnificent condition. A cat often brushed with a brush looks well-groomed, beautiful, and the coat becomes shiny and not matted.