Cat And New Year: Why The Holiday Is Dangerous For Your Pet

Cat And New Year: Why The Holiday Is Dangerous For Your Pet
Cat And New Year: Why The Holiday Is Dangerous For Your Pet

New Year is a busy time for veterinarians. Creating a "holiday atmosphere" and having fun at noisy parties, pet owners often do not think about the dangers that threaten their pets - and this can turn into serious troubles.

Cat and New Year: why the holiday is dangerous for your pet
Cat and New Year: why the holiday is dangerous for your pet

"Rain" and tinsel

Cats show great interest in Christmas tree decorations, and they often try to taste them "to the teeth". And the leaders here are shiny ribbons of "rain" and bright tinsel - the feline "enemy number 1".

Foil jewelry eaten by animals can injure the cat's intestines, and attempts by the owners to help the animal (for example, pulling the "rain" by the tip sticking out of the mouth or anus) can significantly aggravate the injury.

If the animal is full of metallized jewelry, it is necessary to contact the veterinary clinic as soon as possible, delay in this case can lead to peritonitis or intestinal necrosis and death of the animal. With a timely visit to the doctor, the cat can most often be saved. But the process of treatment in such cases is quite long and expensive: abdominal surgery under general anesthesia, postoperative care, intravenous nutrition, injections … Therefore, it is best to refuse to use jewelry that is dangerous for the cat's stomach or use them only in places where the animal cannot get there yourself.

In any case - if after the holiday the cat vomits, it refuses to eat and tries to hide in a corner, even if the body temperature is not elevated - consult a doctor immediately.

Christmas tree

A tree decorated with shiny toys, sparkling and iridescent - a huge temptation for cats. The field for activity here is huge: the Christmas tree can be thrown on the floor, the balls can be pulled from the branch, rolled around the house and smashed. Handling the Christmas tree in this way runs the risk of injury or cutting, not to mention the mess in the house. Another danger is the plastic needles of artificial trees, which cats sometimes try to chew on, and which can also cause intestinal obstruction.

Therefore, if there is a cat in the house, it is better to prefer a natural spruce, pay special attention to the strength of the fastening (and some owners of curious animals even attach Christmas trees not to the floor, but to the ceiling) and not hang fragile glass toys on the lower branches. It is best to use plastic jewelry that looks equally attractive and does not break.

Electric garlands

The love of gnawing at electrical wires is considered a property of rodents (for example, rabbits) rather than cats. However, some of them still experience an irresistible urge to sharpen their teeth on the wires.

If your cat is one of them, it is better to use low-voltage electric garlands that will not threaten the life and health of your pet. And, to discourage the animal from chewing on wires, you can purchase a liquid for strengthening nails with quinine at a pharmacy or a cosmetics store and cover the wire with it. Such liquids have a very bitter taste and for a long time discourage the animal from pulling wires into the mouth.

Firecrackers and crackers

Many animals are afraid of harsh sounds, and New Year's Eve is the noisiest night of the year. For some cats, "fireworks" in the yard cause nothing but curiosity, while others fall into a real hysteria.

If your animal reacts nervously to noise, it is best to go to a veterinarian's consultation in advance, even before the holidays, and ask to prescribe a sedative medication for the cat. And make sure that on New Year's Eve the animal has access to its favorite corners of the apartment - "holes", hiding in which, the animal can feel safe. It's good if around midnight, when the noise of the firecrackers is most intense, you will have the opportunity to sit next to the cat, pet and calm it down.

Windows and doors

If you are celebrating New Year at home and inviting guests, pay special attention to the safety of your pet.

One of the most common New Year's "zooproblems" is animals that accidentally ran out of the house. In the heat of the festivities, the hosts and their guests may stop watching the doors (especially if someone constantly goes out into the entrance or onto the balcony), and cats do not like noise, the smell of alcohol and people who do not behave as usual - and may try to “escape flight."

A slightly open window is another danger to a cat. On New Year's Eve, a lot of interesting things happen on the street, and a curious animal can accidentally fall out into the street. And the danger here is not only injuries, but also hypothermia: during a stormy feast, the disappearance of a pet may not be noticed immediately.

Therefore, if there are no screens installed on the window, try to restrict the cat's access to the ventilated area and do not forget to monitor your pet throughout the holiday. If the party promises to be stormy, it is better to isolate the cat in advance by locking it in the back room, after caressing it, feeding it tasty and leaving a supply of food and drink. Most likely, the animal will be outraged by such a restriction of freedom, but you can be sure that nothing threatens its safety.
