Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Crested Dog
Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese Crested Dog is one of the most exotic dog breeds. Despite the mention of China in this name, the original pet has practically nothing to do with this country. The dog is really loved by the Chinese people, but for the first time it appeared on a completely different part of the planet.

chinese dog
chinese dog

History of the breed

The Chinese Crested Dog is one of the oldest breeds in the world. The remains of pets with a minimum amount of wool were found by archaeologists during excavations in Africa, Mexico and China.

There are several reasons for the unusual pet being called "Chinese". Firstly, it was the Chinese breeders who first showed the wonder animal at exhibitions in Europe. Secondly, the funny crest on the dog's head is very much reminiscent of the national Chinese hairstyle.

The popularity of Chinese dogs is due to many positive qualities. This animal is considered a symbol of kindness and love. However, the main reason for the success is the supernatural abilities of these pets. Scientists have been studying the effects of dogs on the human body for many decades. The fact is that many sources indicate that even in antiquity, the Chinese breed was used in medicine. This fact caused a real cult of crested dogs in Europe.

Description of the breed

The Chinese Crested Dog is very small in size. Its height does not exceed 33 cm. Despite the light and thin skeleton, this pet does not differ in external fragility. His body is proportional, and his constitutional features allow him to move quickly and carry out free movements.

There are two categories of Chinese Crested dogs - short-haired and long-haired. In official sources, the names "naked" and "downy" are most often found. In the first variety, hair is present only on the head, tail and legs. The second has it all over the body. The hair of these dogs is very long, regardless of whether it covers parts of the body or the entire body. They are very soft to the touch and easy to comb.

At the moment, the so-called "intermediate type" of the crested dog has been bred. She has more hair than short-haired, but less than long-haired.

Chinese dog character

The character of the Chinese dog can be called ideal. This pet is not at all prone to aggression or anger. Dogs are very friendly and active. The crested dog is one of the most playful pets. She easily finds a common language with other animals, children and does not show antipathy to visiting guests.
